[center][h3]Professor Grevillia[/h3] [@EnterTheHero][@I-Am-X][/center] [color=yellow]"That's not a problem, here's your Pokedex. If you have any questions on how to use it, you can ask me or any other the other Aides in the building"[/color], she responded. It wasn't a problem if anyone was late, the lab was open at all times for people who wanted to start their journey. Whether it was in the dead of night, or at the earliest break of daylight. Regardless she would prefer if they didn't come at such strange times... She then turned to another trainer who was asking for one and pulled yet another out of the box she had brought in from the other room, and handed it to her. [color=yellow]"Of course it is, here, you may have one too. Be sure you know how to use it, if you're not sure just ask any of the Aides or myself"[/color], she repeated. The battle her son was participating in was under way, although there seemed to be a lot of spirited trainers today. She can hear a minor ruckus from the contest line, and looks like more people were looking to battle. These days can be quite chaotic... Although it was more than normal today. Most people went along their merry ways after doing their business. [color=yellow]"Maybe I should get an assistant..."[/color], she sighed to herself.