Amarilla fidgeted excitedly at all of the commotion going on, first excited to see more from Ingrim's golem creations and intrigued at the idea of speaking to Bartimus more at some point about his people, and then immediately distracted by the presumably final members of the group arriving at last. She made her rounds once more, dashing around the ilithid to get a closer look - she had seen them [i]mentioned[/i] on occasion in books but had little actual details to apply to them - all the while smiling still and showing no reservations about approaching the large, tentacled individual before briefly being distracted by Irthorne's reprimanding of the guard. Not a moment later, after the yelling had subsided, Amarilla had once more altered her attention to face the spider-like humanoid who had appeared and been approached by Andrik. "Ohh, I like your bunches of arms, that's really interesting! Your clothes look nice, are they comfy? I bet they're comfy!" Following the excited statements and questions, she paused to wave and exclaim an excited "Hello!" to the final two newcomers, the young girl with the red eyes who first approached Irthorne, and the dapper gentleman who introduced himself as Lorrick. Amarilla was wondrously ecstatic at seeing so many people gathered to this one location.