Shiro huffs bored and decided to change into his human form and hang upside down, letting his hand touch the ground since he is so graceful he falls off and lands face first on the leaf covered ground. He quickly gets to his feet and works around, doing his patrols around his territory. After a long time of working, he finds his way to a camp site that he doesn't remember being here at all. "Hello? If anyone one here?" Shiro looks around some more finding guns and a pile of wood, [color=f49ac2]I don't remember allowing someone to cut this down...[/color] he says to himself they crouches down and feels the rings of the wood, [color=f49ac2]This is freshly cut down. Someone cut a tree without asking, and they cut the incorrect tree, this tree was still alive when they cut it down...[/color] [@Gentlemanvaultboy] Spirit looks at her in shock confused how she was able to know about all of that. Spirit's cheeks turned a bright shade of rosy pink and she quickly looks away embarrassed at the idea if she exactly did bite her, and how it would feel to be bitten. She shakes her head and looks back at Claudia and gives her a sweet smile "How about we go somewhere that we can sit down? Or would you like to stay here?" [@Rusalka]