[@Plank Sinatra][@Write][@Silvan Haven][@HereComesTheSnow] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/foO0yFo.png[/img][/center] "[color=66cd00]Not yet,[/color]" said Gratia flatly, eyes immediately fixating upon Nuit's face. Even with the lack of illumination, it was clear that the onyx orbs were piercingly intense, hyper-focused in a manner not dissimilar to a laser. "[color=66cd00]There's shit I need to address.[/color]" What exactly had grabbed Gratia's attentions went unsaid, but given the stoic teenager's presence at the door to 1001, it would take a particularly retarded shithead to not correctly infer why she was there. For all the pretenses that her teammate made of having somehow managed to rapidly recover, it was almost pathetically obvious that something was still gnawing away at the other girl's mind. The flanderized persona was just one sign, but another particularly evident one was- "[color=66cd00]I'm assuming those are tears rather than some fucktard's jizz,[/color]" continued the Mistralese huntress. "[color=66cd00]You don't work that quickly.[/color]" It would explain the failed attempt at hiding [i]something[/i], but that would have also been ridiculously uncharacteristic of Nuit. Not when she was presently in such a pitiful state. It was far likelier for her to have been crying. "[color=66cd00]We need to talk.[/color]"