[center][img]http://i1062.photobucket.com/albums/t486/isthistaken1/Bianca-Nuit-Returned.png[/img] [@Silvan Haven], [@Crimmy], [@Plank Sinatra], [@HereComesTheSnow] [color=9D36FF][h3]Float on[/h3][/color][/center] [color=9D36FF]“I know, I’m sorry.”[/color] I said quietly looking at my knees. It was hard to acknowledge her, I knew she was going to be coming up here at some point. I gripped my knees tightly, in order to stop myself from shaking at all. My knuckles turned white and my knees stung, but the shaking didn’t even feel close to subsiding. [color=9D36FF]“I need to be alright though.”[/color] I said, brushing the wetness from my eyes and forcing a smile. [color=9D36FF]“It has to happen. If I’m not alright by the time I get back to Beacon then I’ve failed everyone who put their life on the line to save me. Besides, I’ve got my wings back.”[/color] I said offering Gratia a smile. [color=9D36FF]“I’m fine. You don’t need to worry.”[/color] I said calmly, my voice steadying.