[center][h1][color=cyan]Alicia Ryd[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lugxx4z8XO1r6qe22o1_500.gif[/img] Interacting With: [@BlackPanther][@YoshiSkittlez][@Vicier] Zoe, Jake, Giddeon, Eretria, Clifford Location: Carson High School[/center] [hr][hr] Alicia had woken up early that morning in the hospital she looked over towards her father who was sitting there by her bed, once he had seen that she was awake he pulled himself closer towards her. "Hey sweetie are you okay?" He asked, Alicia smiled softly as she pulled herself slightly and looked towards him. [color=cyan]"I'm alright."[/color] She said as she looked at him still confused at what had happened the night before, she ran a hand through her hair. "What happened?" She asked as she looked down at the IV in her arm. "It looked like you fell last night while you were out on your walk." He answered Alicia nodded softly as a nurse came in and started to take out the IV and looked at her and smiled and then looked at her father. "She seems perfectly fine, and is able to leave whenever you'd like." He nodded towards her and looked at his daughter. "Are you feeling okay?" He asked, she smiled and gave him a quick nod. [color=cyan]"I feel fine, probably going to be late for school."[/color] She said as Alicia got up from her bed and saw a set of clothes and backpack were set in front of her, her father nodded and turned to head off to the hallway. Alicia went to get changed into her day clothes and left her hospital gown on the bed. Alicia followed her father down towards reception and signed her out of the hospital, she always hated being in hospitals they always gave her bad memories. When he was finished with all of the paperwork her father started to write up the excuse why she was late for school, she went and got into the side seat of her father's car. She turned to look up at him and smiled softly as he pulled out of the parking lot and started to drive off towards Carson High School. "If you end up feeling sick, head straight to the nurse okay?" He said Alicia sighed softly and nodded she felt completely fine. [color=cyan]"I will."[/color] She said once they were there Alicia got out of the car her father handed her the slip. "Give that to whatever class you have now okay?" Alicia smiled and nodded. [color=cyan]"I know the procedure already dad, i'll see you later love ya dad."[/color] Alicia remember that he class was gym and started making her way towards the gym once she was there she looked around and then saw Miss Flores and handed her the slip. [color=cyan]"Sorry I am late."[/color] She said softly as she watched the other students playing touch football.