[@Xavier Bloodbayne] [i]The sword came loose during the very first rotation! They say a master swordsman never relinquishes his blade. Clearly, few masters have been spun around like rag dolls. When Xavier came back around to get Auz in his sights again, oddly enough, Auz wasn't there. The next thing he'd probably perceive would be the sky whizzing by overhead as his legs were blasted out from underneath him mid-spin by a monstrous flying scissor leg takedown, Auz having hurled himself into the technique the moment Xavier looked away. This time around, Xavier didn't have his feet secured in place either.[/i] [youtube]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XnpHEXghM-Q[/youtube] [i]Were Auz to pull off the move, Xavier would be in a great spot to see that the immortal had drawn his second dagger, now wielding one in each hand and like looking like he was wantin' to kill a niggah.[/i]