[center][color=lightcoral][h2]Ruby[/h2][/color][b]Pokemon Contest Line Ven: [@itano123], Sadie: [@alexfangtalon][/b][/center] Giggling softly at the slightly surprised reaction of the boy, Ruby felt satisfaction from being able to successfully steal away his attention. Pointing her index finger upward with a wink and a slight tilt of her head, the little girl convinced, [color=lightcoral]"Uh huh, pretty sure that counts cause Berry and I are a team~! And ya know, Ruby loves cute Pokemon too, I'm sure we'll be great rivals!"[/color] As she said her last statement, Ruby smiled down at the blue Sylveon, which was probably the boy's, emphasizing the point that they both had Sylveons. Just realizing the fact that his Sylveon had a peculiar color to a common one, blue eyes sparkled downward at how adorable he was! Excited by this new revelation, Ruby asked, [color=lightcoral]"OMG! What's this little one's name? He's so precious~! Oh, and I'd like to ask your name too, new fan boy~"[/color] From how the attention was shifted from herself to the other Sylveon, Berry's jealousy mode was switched [i]on[/i]. Her feelers which were swaying softly and happily a moment ago now stood still in the air as the female Sylveon was starting to growl in a low pitched tone, her expression evidently sour. Before anything got ugly, Sadie's Roggenrola, Gigaton, hopped in between the two Sylveons. Berry was slightly surprised, flinching a bit, before proceeding to take a sniff at the rock-like Pokemon. 'Was it actually a Pokemon like me?', she would think to herself. She had never encountered a Roggenrola before, nor a Pokemon that resembled a rock. After taking a moment to inspect Gigaton, Berry nodded to herself, convinced that he was not a threat, and barked in a pleased tone as her own way of greeting. Hearing the other girl respond to her, Ruby directed her attention back to Sadie and beamed brightly. Ruby being Ruby, she took the vaguely positive answer optimistically, believing 'cheering her on' as another way of saying that she supported Ruby and Berry in contests. The idea was sort of not really similar, but she'd take it how she sees it anyway. Giddily taking Sadie's hands up, wrapped in her own, Ruby happily spoke, [color=lightcoral]"Really~?! Ruby is really happy to hear that, I'll cheer you on too~! I hope we get to get along, right Berry~?"[/color] Of course, if it came down to the two being in the same contest, the little competitive girl was going to give it her all no matter what.