[@LiegeLord] [@Mangrale] He then saw one of the girls look a little at him, but then turn her head to lesan to the others around her. Edmond looked away to see James. James was going to show his power! He had not known that he even knew how to use his powers, and apparently, he did. He was really excited to see his ability but he gave him space.[color=fff200][i] Wait did he say a friend?[/i][/color] Edmond had a bewailed look when a flurry of black came out of his hand, forming a majestic hawk that had red eyes like his own. [color=fff200]"WOW! THATS SO COOL!"[/color] Edmond exclaimed as he admired the hawk perched on James' shoulder. [color=fff200]"What else can you do?"[/color] Edmond asked with a stupid smile forming on his face.