[hider=Sikksayt][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/be911d6a671fef07054591dba1fdb9b5/tumblr_oetg2pYbri1qjabr0o1_1280.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=ed1c24][b]DEMON SIX-EIGHT-EIGHT[/b][/color] [i]Born to distant colonies, this infernal agent belongs to a bloodline whose genes have grown increasingly strange after generations of separation from the primary orbits of Hell. Its loyalty to the Satanic Lords is questionable, but for now it sees no reason to rebel. Demon 688 is informally known as Sikksayt.[/i] [b]Halo-[/b] Sikksayt is blessed with a halo that gradually regenerates the wounds of itself and others, provided the subject sits still. [b]Hellfire-[/b] Sikksayt's weapons degrade conventional matter if left in contact for too long, eventually leaving scorch-like marks. [b]Levitation-[/b] Though Sikksayt lacks legs, it can hover gently through the air. While not limited by altitude, a sprinting human is faster. [url=http://spaghettibastard.tumblr.com/image/151598539063]Art by Spagghetibastard.[/url]