[hider=Kara the Shaman] [center][img]http://imgur.com/88UIQd0.png[/img] [h2][color=ed1c24]Kara[/color][/h2][/center] [b][color=ed1c24]Race:[/color][/b] Fairy [b][color=ed1c24]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [color=ed1c24][b]Age:[/b][/color] 14 [color=ed1c24][b]Personality and Motivations:[/b][/color] Kara is a very curious young lady. She is eager to know things and to see new people. Of course, this doesn't mean she trusts people implicitly. Not anymore at least. In fact, her hatred of elves reaches almost kill on sight territory. She does trust Azarel though, to a ridiculous extent. If he says 'Jump' she says 'How high?',and if he said 'Past the stars' then she'd find a way. Along with this, her parents didn't teach her much in the ways of morality. Overall, this has turned her into a creature evil, but bearing no ill will towards anyone inherently (again, except elves.) Currently, her main goal with this mission is to gain LOVE worry free. After all, these are all bad, and even brainless people. What could go wrong? [color=ed1c24][b]Class and Alignment:[/b][/color] Evil Shaman [hider= History] Fairy History: Fairies were tallfellows blessed by the god Lo'Ke for their dedication to mischief, and making other people's lives generally worse. They were given the power to absorb negative energies. After a while, magus began to study this ability, officially and ironically dubbed LOVE. Once this ability was discovered, Fairies were put on watch. Either because of this or in spite of it, a fairy, who's appearance, gender, and past are lost to time, named Morgan went on a rampage, collecting an immense amount of LOVE through the deaths of others. It took 6 powerful mages to take them down. After this, many fairies willfully moved into tribes deep in the forest. Those who didn't were heavily discriminated against which, obviously, led to an increase in power. Inner-city fairies became feared and many were killed. This was all a long time ago. There are almost no inner-city fairies now, and if they do exist, they hide their heritage. The tribes are much better off, not thriving but some did well and, after many years, could even trade with ignorant villages. This leads us to the present day, and our main character, Kara. [list] [*]Kara was born in a small tribe of fairies, creatures exiled for mischievous nature and the evil nature of their power. [*]Had many friends in the village and a loving mother and father (even if they lacked much in the way of a moral compass) [*]Occasionally, Kara would play with an elf boy from a nearby village named Azarel. [*]Once Kara's parents found out about this liaison, they swiftly attempted to end his life. [*]Kara intervened, and convinced their parents to stand down. After giving him medical care, he returned home. [*]The elves from Azarel's village attacked the fairy tribe the next day, after he told them of his friend and her parent's attempt on his life. [*]Many fairies, not having a high LOVE, were slaughtered. [*]Kara's parents were able to use the LOVE they had gained recently to save Kara and put them into hiding, though only after her wings had been clipped clean off. [*]After a day of hiding, Kara returned to the surface to see the absolute carnage her tribe had gone through. All of her fellow fairies were dead, but only one elf had died. Azarel. [*]Absolutely shattered, Kara was going to end herself with her gardening dagger, but heard a voice. The voice of Azarel. [*]Though he had died, his spirit lingered, and found her body. They could stay together forever. [*]This certainly softened the blow for Kara, and she found the determination to keep on living. [*]Now, Kara wanders the land, gathering enough LOVE to hopefully return to the elf village, to [b]Slaughter. Them. All[/b]. [/list] [/hider] [color=ed1c24][b]Equipment[/b][/color][list] [*][b]Dagger [/b]- A gardening dagger Kara had obtained from her parents. [*][b]Ribbon [/b]- A relic of a dead friend. Can grant a boost to Charisma for a short amount of time twice before needing to recharge. [*][b]Boots [/b]- A relic of a dead friend. Can grant a boost to Speed for a short amount of time twice before needing to recharge. [*][b]Bandana [/b]- A relic of a dead friend. Can grant a boost to Strength for a short amount of time twice before needing to recharge. [*][b]Journal [/b]- A relic of a dead friend. Can grant a boost to Wisdom for a short amount of time twice before needing to recharge. [*][b]Apron [/b]- A relic of a dead friend. Can grant a boost to Constitution and cures light wounds for a short amount of time twice before needing to recharge. [*][b]Hat [/b]- A relic of a dead friend. Can grant a boost to Dexterity for a short amount of time twice before needing to recharge. [*][b]Lockett[/b] - A special heart-shaped locket Azarel had made for her. [/list] [color=ed1c24][b]Skills and Spells[/b][/color][list] [*][i]LOVE [/i]- Standing for Level Of Verified Exasperation, fairies have the unique ability to absorb negative energies from those they've wronged. The stronger the feeling, the more power they gain. Playing a prank on someone wouldn't provide much. Murder gives a more definite boost. [*][s][i]Flight [/i][/s]- Kara used to be able to fly, though her wings have been clipped completely off. If someone were to get her a fairly powerful healing spell, she may be able to fly again, though not as well. [*][i]Fairy Physiology[/i] - Fairies are fairly similar to Tall Dwarves, so Kara has about the strength and constitution of a standard 14 year old girl. Not much, to say the least. [*][i]Gardening[/i] - Kara has a love of gardening, and is quite the green thumb. She can grow numerous kinds of Mushrooms, vegetables, flowers and fruits. She can even identify if something is poisonous and do some minor cross-species pollination. [/list] [b][color=ed1c24]Miscellaneous:[/color][/b] [url=https://youtu.be/MI16E_QG3ec][color=f26522]FIGHT[/color][/url] [/hider]