[center][h1][i][color=turquoise]Caius[/color], [color=palevioletred]Claudia[/color] & [color=goldenrod]Scott[/color][/i][/h1][/center] [hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] Carson City, Callie's shop [b]Time and Date:[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0930[/center][hr][hr] Scott turned his green eyes back to Callie. They were cool, cunning, feral and frightening all at the same time. The eyes of a predator. He stared at her for the longest moment, his eyes looking as though they were probing into her very soul. [color=goldenrod]"I suppose the different scents led me here. A sense of familiarity from these two..."[/color] he gestured towards the twins. [color=goldenrod]"And a certain curiosity as why this place smells strangely of the wild and at the same time of...civilization."[/color] He began walking around inspecting the bottles and vials on display. He picked a bottle up, uncapped it and took a whiff of the contents. His brow furrowed and he immediately capped the bottle and placed it back in its place. [color=palevioletred]"For someone who looks like some sort of prince, he definitely looks out of place,"[/color] Claudia mumbled, watching the strange vampire as he picked up a vial of a reddish fluid that looked like blood. [color=palevioletred]"Hey, Scott, right? That's probably not what you think it is. It's perf---"[/color] Too late. Scott blinked and hissed. He almost dropped the vial. But he caught himself and immediately replaced the cap [color=goldenrod]"Humans have strange fascinations with scents that are...offensive,"[/color] he commented with distaste. Claudia bursted out laughing. [color=palevioletred]"I agree with that in a lot of ways."[/color] She wasn't particularly fond of vampires. But this Original was fascinating. It was almost as if he was one of them. Caius chuckled, obviously understanding what he meant. [color=turquoise]"Not all humans wear offensive scents."[/color] he leaned down and nuzzled Callie's neck, inhaling her scent. [color=turquoise]"I know mine doesn't,"[/color] he murmured. Scott turned his strange eyes towards Claudia, her laughter finally making him smile. And then his stare landed on Caius and Callie. [color=goldenrod]"Yes, her scent is... milder than most."[/color] He crinkled his nose at another bottle he had opened. [color=goldenrod]"What is the purpose of this establishment? Does it serve to give humans scents that would..."[/color] he trailed off and a thoughtful look settled over his face as he tried to look for the right words. [color=palevioletred]"Drive away our kind and your kind,"[/color] Claudia finished for him. Scott nodded and both he and the female werewolf turned their attentions to Callie. Claudia had an amused look on her face while Scott looked serious. [color=palevioletred]"You know, Callie, I've always wondered about that,"[/color] she said teasingly. [color=palevioletred]"Although I know that even if you douse yourself with the most offensive of scents, Caius would still stay by your side."[/color] [hr][center][@Caits][/center]