[@Deathsong12][hider=i think I'm done but i might of forgot something](Basics): Name:25 Age: Icus Place of Birth: Canada Gender: male Social Class/Community Status: homeless Languages: French, English Pets? If so what kind?: N/A Relationships: N/A Reason for going to the park?: The way i see it it is a win/win no matter what if I die ill no longer struggle to find food, if I live ill have enough money to live the life of being able to fit in... (Physical Description): Height: 5'8 feet Weight: 190 ib Hair: brown Eyes: green Typical Clothing/Equipment: baggy shirt going down to his knees covered in stains all over if observed you can see a faded picture of a logo but unknown what it is from.. he also wears ripped, dirty jeans that are faded blue. (Personality/Attributes): Personality/Attitude: optimistic always looking for the positive to whatever is going on Skills/Talents: while on the streets you got to make a living somehow to survive. Icus gets his money by helping others with task the can't or don't want to do. Icus despite being homeless claims he went to collage and got three masters degrees one in criminal justice, one in architecture, and his last one is in applied sciences why he claims this no one knows nor has any proof to back it up... but he isn't known for lying. Fears: The lost of knowledge from the older times, unknown, ignorance. Hobbies/Interests: people watch, get in and out of places under watch trying not to get caught in the process, sharing stories to those that chose to listen. Regular Routine: (9:00pm 4:00am Sleep) (4:00am 9:00am find job) (9:00am 5:00pm work if job is available) (5:00 9:00 explore for new locations to sleep) he eats when he can if he can. Philosophy of Life: Always be positive for that is the key to success. Attitude Toward Death: well it would be the end for me but not my story. Religion/Beliefs: N/A Place/Type of Residence: on the streets Occupation: nothing Place of Work: what ever people ask of him (under reasons of courses) Work-related Skills: as a homeless he's never been hired for longer than a week but in that week he learn a lot about the jobs he's worked at. he knows how to (work an grill, write shortcuts on food names for orders, direct and lead people when lost, knows how to traverse the streets quickly and undetected, knows how to repair broken down vehicles and what he needs to fix them.) while most of these talents might be useless to some in his eyes they all play an equal roll in his survival. Tech points: fill in later Religion points: fill in later Drug points: fill in later Corruption points: fill in later [/hider]