[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] [b]Location:[/b] Chromis League Line [b]Interaction:[/b] [@Sen] [/center] [hr] Francis was still focusing on the fighting, it made Danilo wonder if his pokemon friend wanted to fight. He didnt get to question it for much as someone nearly crashed into him. The red head using the staff to regain balance and stop himself from falling. Surprisingly his top hat only slid forward a bit .As Francis chipped flying now and staring at the barking pokemon. [b]"Sorry, man!"[/b] Dan pushed his top hat back to it appropriate place on his head. Waving his hand as if it nothing to worry about. Because in his book if you get upset over such simple things in life you will never live though the true hardship. Yet as the trainer turned to go his way his pokemon didnt move a inch. Still barking at his Fletching. Surprisingly to Dan Francis didnt hide under his hat yet, like he usually did back home. Instead the bird was holding the other pokemon gaze. The trainer returned and attempted and failed to get his pokemon to chill. [b] "He doesn't like birds too much, excuse the noise." [/b] Danilo chuckled. [color=8882be]"Believe me its not the first time for my persona, at least your friend here isnt jumping on me trying to knock my hat over."[/color] Danilo stretched his hand which held the staff and Francis landed on top of it, with easy perching on the staff, on occasion chipping back at the dog. [b] "You from Kalos? Does everyone there dress like that?" [/b] [color=8882be]"Indeed, I call Kalos my home. Sadly your assumptions are only half correct good sir."[/color] Danilo let his grin spread wide his voice going a bit lower as if he was telling a secret.[color=8882be] "The dress style is a family thing, well from my father side a family thing."[/color] He leaned even closer, so he was only inches away from the other trainer, petting the top of his fetchling head adding in a even lower voice. [color=8882be]"To make a living with contests, it all boils down to two steps. First having a brand. Second enjoy living the story you created around you self. "[/color] Danilo moved back tipping his hat. [color=8882be]"The secret is I do enjoy this immensely.But alas! Forgive the rudeness of mine. My name is Danilo and it appears to me our pokemon have picked each other for a fight." [/color] The word fight made Francis head jerk towards Danilo chipping fast, before he with the speed of a quick attack hid under Dans hat, who looked completely unfazed. Now this was normal behaviour from his pokemon. He just knew how to lure him back out. Without losing the beat to his voice he continued. [color=8882be]"A impressive battle display may draw the attention of some female pokemon admirers." [/color] With the same speed Francis was no longer under the hat, but now was puffing his chest in front of the red dog pokemon. [color=8882be]"Of course if you my friend, accept that is."[/color]