Hatuum had to make a considerable effort to stop himself from smirking. Was [i]anyone[/i] one the persons in front of him aware of how much unvarnished... unfriendliness... they had just released towards him ? Well of course he could be wrong objectively, but for subjective feelings nothing but one's own and current point of view was relevant. First of all there was this Alenios or whoever he was. Admittedly, Hatuum didn't have much to do with politics and courtly affairs - at least not from an 'ordinary' point of view. He wasn't completely aware of the man's role here, but suspecting someone of having an intent to satisfy multiple desires while that someone had hardly done anything more but to say 'hello' was quite unexpected. And then the man lost track of his schedule on when to pretend which positive emotion. All this smiling - all this [i]false[/i] smiling. Amiartys, the one he had initially addressed, appeared to be of a much more friendly kind. The person appearing behind him and being called Mycandros however was not. It didn't escape Hatuum's attention that the vampire had been very close to openly threatening him with his impressive long sword and the giant was quite glad about Amiartys stopping the hostility while it was still in its subtle infancy. The vampire bodyguard or whatever he was had already earned his place on the list of possibly dangerous persons though. Hatuum had been hesitant enough not to carry a weapon in here. That was with the exception of his own body of course. Quite a lot of people probably considered him to be a weapon himself. He didn't. Raw flesh was pretty defenseless against a sharp blade, no matter how much there was available of it. Hatuum had blasted his way through a few taverns though... When Amelia decided to take things into her own hands literally, Hatuum became seriously concerned about the possibility of the situation escalating. How would Amiartys react to this kind of demonstration ? The self-appointed assassin didn't wait for the reaction of the mercenary leader but instead opted for sitting down as told quickly. Given that his biceps were thicker than many men's thighs already, one could probably imagine the extent of Hatuum's own legs burying the bench beneath them. Sometimes he really hated himself for being what he was, but most of the time he did the opposite. [color=yellow]"Hatuum. Just... Hatuum. There's nothing more to add to my name."[/color] He briefly paused, waiting for an reaction before he decided to just go on. [color=yellow]"So... a mercenary leader ? May I ask what you do exactly ?"[/color]