[u]General Information[/u] Name: Dacheus Zaraphiston Age: Late 30’s Class: Mage, specialization in illusion and destruction Gender: Male Length(in meters): 1.7 Race: Human Character Perk: [i]Studious[/i]. Dacheus has spent decades in focused study, devoting himself to the arcane arts. If something holds his interest, he has a nigh-supernatural ability to focus and study and retain almost everything he reads. Character Flaw: [i]Ooh, Shiny![/i] The myopic focus required to learn such advanced techniques comes with a downside. Dacheus is powerfully distractible, not by traditionally shiny things like jewels and coin, but by arcane oddities. Outside of urgent situations like combat, he may need to be physically dragged away from things which capture his attention. Appearance: Dacheus is a man with a medium, ordinary build. Jet black hair with a streak of white along one side. Rich brown eyes that seem to turn bronze in the right light. Rather than a pale skin characteristic of his profession, he has a mild tan, studying and working outside when he can. Various scars, resulting from arcane mishaps of one kind or another, have been covered and disguised with intricate tattoos. Looks (and sings) kinda like: [hider=My Hider] [img]http://www.ptxfans.com/wp-content/gallery/avi-kaplan/Avi-Kaplan-Still-From-Problem.JPG[/img] [/hider] Alignment: [i]The Fools, I’ll Show Them All![/i] (Neutral) [u]Stats[/u] STR(Strength): 10 DEX(Dexterity): 12 CON(Constitution): 12 INT(Intelligence): 18 WIS(Wisdom): 10 CHR(Charisma): 16 [u]Skills:[/u] [WIP] Spellcraft [50] Concentration [40] Disguise [40] - [i]limited to illusions.[/i] Search [30] - [i]Dammit, where did I leave it this time?[/i] Decypher Script [50] Language: Eldritch [30] Performance: Dancing [20] Performance: Singing [50] [u]Abilities:[/u] [WIP] Dumb Luck: Most magical progress is made through careful study and practice. Most of the time, Dacheus follows this principle. Once in awhile, he gets an idea and decides to try it out before studying its consequences. Sometimes it works, and he discovers that he can make the illusory dragon breathe fire. Sometimes it doesn’t, and he gets a fresh scar to cover up. Illusory Casting: One such successful experiment taught him how to cast evocation spells (fire, etc) from his more powerful illusions. If he has a Major Illusion cast, he can cast weakened evocation spells which originate from within the illusion. The illusion and the target of the spell must be within the spell's normal range of Dacheus and each other. [u]Spells:[/u] [WIP] Lightning Bolt [50] - A simple blast of lightning leaving his hands and traveling in a straight line. For when a single thing (and whatever’s standing behind it) needs to suffer. Fireball [50] - A small ball of flame leaves his hand, flies to a given spot, and detonates. Capable of filling an ordinary room with flames. (20' radius, 8d6) Firebolt [60] - A more powerful ball of fire which strikes a much smaller area with much greater force. Capable of hitting a single target and people adjacent to it. (10' radius, 12d6) Telekinesis [40] - Allows the caster to move objects with his mind. Disguise Self [40] - A simple illusion to change his appearance. Minor Illusion [20] - Small sounds and images. Major Illusion [60] - Not-so-small sounds and images. Depending on the time he has to dedicate to crafting the illusion, this might be as simple as a person or animal appearing or as complex as a pair of armies doing battle, though larger illusions will be less believable and easier to see through. Mirror Image [20] - Several duplicates of the caster appear around him. Mislead [50] - An image of the caster appears in his place while he turns invisible. [u]Items[/u] [WIP] (there’s a pattern here) Armour: Very little. Working in his lab/library, he wears an ornate leather jerkin and matching bracers, enchanted to protect him from his own mishaps. Over that, he wears a jacket with at least a dozen pockets. Simple shirt, pants and shoes, usually black and grey. Weapons: A knife, but it’s a tool more than a weapon. Items: Enchanted knife, writing tools (parchments, quills), spellbook. Gold: Left it at home. Miscellaneous: [u]Biography[/u] Dacheus Zaraphiston liked to tell people he was a wizard. After all, his father had been, and his grandfather, and several others throughout the family tree. And when he’d first started to manifest arcane talent, that’s how he’d been treated. Taught to read, to study, to learn from books and rituals and theory. And it hardly worked. The young mage drove himself to the point of madness, trying to learn to be like his father. He forced himself to sit and read a tome from cover to cover, absorbing everything it contained and yet unable to turn that knowledge into more than slight arcane progress. Months went by like this, even years, before a family visitor finally noticed the problem: Dacheus wasn’t a wizard in the first place. He was a sorcerer, and under proper instruction (again, from outside the family, to his father’s chagrin), his abilities grew in leaps and bounds. They weren’t royalty, but a family line with a history of wizardry was going to be well off. They may have been the lower part of the aristocracy, but aristocracy they were. Dacheus was accustomed to fine food, fine clothes, and minimal consequences as a young man. When he wasn’t studying the arcane arts, he was learning to sing and dance like a proper young man, wooing young women and otherwise getting into trouble. As a young man, Dacheus had focused primarily on illusions, the sort that could be used to entertain others or to disguise himself. Simple evocations, summoning fire or electricity, augmented this. The first of his scars came as a result of a mishap shortly before his twentieth birthday, one which burned down much of his family’s home and saw him exiled from his home city of Aasleagh. Exactly what he was trying to accomplish, no one ever quite determined. Either way, it saw him turned loose upon the world, making a living by selling his skills, usually as an entertainer, occasionally as a spellslinger. He put more effort into learning his evocations; a surprising number of problems could be solved with the judicious application of fire and lightning. Over the next nearly twenty years, he traveled around the countries of Tiltha and Ambrogio. He somehow avoided building a reputation by putting on a different illusory mask every time he pulled up stakes. Any time he visited a major city, he would find a library, read for three days straight, and then head back out into the wilderness to experiment with his new knowledge. These days, after discovering a way to cast an evocation spell with an illusion as its origin, he is now working on mastering teleportation as an escape tool while leaving an illusory copy of himself behind.