[@Antarctic Termite] Elizabeth could remember nothing of her last few moments, or of even the last few hours. This concerned her, but for now she had concerns greater than that. She had awoke surrounded by immense clouds of smoke, fog, and mist, and coughed as it entered her lungs. She fanned her right hand in front of her mouth in order to try to get it all away from her as she coughed, and with her stern wooden staff held in front of her feet she began to walk. She looked down at herself, and at least everything was in order in regards to her appearance; a long robe mostly of blue with portions of white, and her long, flowing blonde hair was fine except that it was a little messy. "Damnation!" Elizabeth said. "Where the hell am I? Under what sort of nefarious contraption was I brought here? Has some sort of spell brought me here? No matter. Tara? Miles? Are you there? No? Hell." It became clear to her that where she was not at Haven anymore once she took a good look at where she was. The bronze of the facility was hidden by the fog, but when Elizabeth took a closer look she could tell that it was a factory. She supposed that she was once again back on Earth. She was not glad to be back here. She hated this world. She walked with flame conjured in one of her hands, just in case she found her way to some danger. She was walking basically in the dark when she found some being walking there. She did not know that it was a demon. "Who's there?" Elizabeth said. "I'm warning you, if you cross me you won't like the result."