Well, well. The gnome could shout up a storm when he needed to. She felt he could probably achieve that feat literally too, with or without shouting, but that was neither here nor there, so long as she didn't make an enemy of him. On the other hand, his attention shifted to the Ultralith almost immediately after he was done with the owlman, an eye-rolling procedure, because darn it if she didn't need to have words with him about... well, exactly what the knightly tall dwarf brought up, as it happen. Was he a knight? He certainly had the armour for it, if not the sword... though what facial hair he had. Hardly standard on any Arakhan, for obvious reasons... nonetheless. 'I believe I caught the tail end of his speech,' Alea stated, with the mildest of points to her voice. 'Certainly, I will need to discuss my role in this with him; I was quite hoping to traverse the crypt myself, and in truth, lounging around outside it hardly suits me...' She trailed off briefly, espying two new arrivals - a man dressed all in black with a manner that seemed... not quite aristocratic in nature. She might need to clarify what his standing in life was... and, inexplicably, a teenaged year old tall dwarf. Or was that a gnome? Either way, she couldn't help but giggle lightly at the sight. How cute it was, with its- her, even- with her short little arms and legs, and her slightly pudgy cheeks and bright red eyes. Most teenaged Arakhan were nothing like so adorable: she knew for a fact that she'd been incredibly irritable from the pain of her transition from half-spider to full adult, and moreso thanks to actually being attacked halfway through the whole thing when her legs weren't working properly. Oh, if only her brat sister were still around, so she could shoot the little twerp between the eyes all over again. Speaking of which, she recalled with a quick shake of her head, the man had asked about her pistols. 'As for these,' she offered proudly, hefting a couple of the guns briefly before reholstering them, 'I'm mildly surprised you don't know what they are, considering your obvious heritage of combat. They're called flintlock pistols, the flintlock mechanism being the successor to the matchlock and wheellock mechanisms, and far more reliable for it. Of course, though it may not be obvious, I've... let's say [i]modified[/i] mine just a little so they're a bit more useful than their standard counterparts. They usually take a while to reload under normal circumstances, so anything to help is...' And at this point, the oddly-pale tall dwarf made herself known to the arakhan at last. And what a bundle of energy she was, blurting out a trio of compliments and questions with hardly a breath between them, hardly giving Alea a chance to respond before turning to greet the two newcomers, the black-clad gentleman and the teen tall dwarf. Her activity was almost endearing... almost. 'As it happens,' she cautiously offered when she felt she was no longer being ignored, 'spider silk is a very comfortable material once your remove the excess glue. Very strong, too, it takes a fair bit to break it apart. 'Oh, but where are my manners?' the spider-woman asked. 'I haven't even introduced myself yet. You may call me Skarrab-Alea... and don't shorten it, please. "Skarrab" is not my given name, and I feel as though you may mishandle that sort of information. Now, if you'll kindly excuse me, I really do need to speak with Irthorne before it's too late...' Her dismissal given to the both of them, the aristocrat strutted past the tall dwarves, heading toward the Royal Advisor, and the illithid. The large, shockingly muscular illithid... [i]ahem.[/i] Not that she didn't appreciate eye candy for both its pleasing aspects and its power to manipulate, but the effect was ruined on the tentacle-mouthed beast for rather obvious reasons, despite how it and she shared the number of eyes they each possessed. And she was quite sure they didn't reproduce with... she deferred to "in the usual manner" for the purposes of averting a detailed description. Either way, she'd best not get too attached to him. However, she did need to get close to him in order to talk to Irthorne, so she moved within a respectable distance of the two, subtly clearing her throat to grab the gnome's attention, then folding all six of her arms behind her back and waiting politely until he addressed her. [@DracoLunaris][@Starberries][@Banana]