[hr] [hr] [center][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/220151702/large.gif[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Deepskyblue]Corann Creed - Present Day - Carson City High School and Tahoe Mountains[/color][/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] [color=orchid] "Which time?" [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] The girl's voice was soft, almost as though she didn't want him to even hear her. There was an obvious feel of stress, anxiety and even fear coming from her and really, he couldn't blame her. It hadn't been the first time he had to calmly explain to a newly transitioned Supernatural what their world was about, and who they were. But it was the first time he had helped to instruct a Werewolf-Vampire hybrid. His thoughts were then completely interrupted. Corann could feel the walls of his mind being brought down by a force that was not his own, and try as he might he simply could not put them back up. Someone was trying to infiltrate his conscious, and the second he heard the cool and collected voice sounding in his head, he knew exactly who it was. [/color] [color=662d91] "Corann! I see that you're still praying on young girls outside of establishments. When did you wake up anyway?" [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] Corann's muscles in his jaw tightened. Turning his head just to the left a bit, he could see the Witch off a fair distance between himself and the new hybrid. Just what the hell was she doing here? Once again putting her business where it didn't belong? This was his task - he needn't any interference from her. Gods he hated Witches. [/color] [color=662d91] "Here for the hybrid I assume. Have you told her what she is yet? That she's not human any longer? I hope that you're aware that it's within my authority to end her. She disrupts the balance of the races, but I've never bothered too much with that." [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] [i]"Careful, Witch. You speak into the mind of another who "disrupts the balance of the races."'[/i] he told her, back into her mind. But then she closed the distance between the two of them and handed him a small trinket. He was sure that his hand was about to start burning. [/color] [color=662d91] "If she grows too much for you to handle, then give her to me and I'll change her back to human, or whichever race she prefers. A way to contact me if a complication arises." [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] He could feel the calming sensation that she then put on the girl, and his eye twitched. Yes... the Witch was most certainly poking her nose where it didn't belong. This was [i]his[/i] task, and he had been doing ones of the like for centuries without help from any Witch before, including her. [/color] [color=662d91] "That's all the help you're getting now. If you need me, just talk into the trinket." [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] Corann's fist closed around the trinket before he simply tossed it away, back at Layla's direction in a clear sign that he would not be accepting her help. "You overstep-" Corann's words, audible this time, were then cut off by a soft voice he had nearly forgotten about in his distraction. [/color] [color=orchid] "Nearly four weeks ago... What... What's happening to me? What is wrong with me?" [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] That fear... that raw, uncontrollable fear. Corann knew it well. He could have stopped it hadn't the Witch arrived and took things into her own hands. This was starting to turn bad - the girl's emotions were overwriting the ones Layla had tried to instill in her. Even his own sway of emotion manipulation wasn't seeming to work. A newborn, and yet this hybrid was already incredibly powerful. Even if she didn't know it. [/color] [color=662d91] "Things are getting crowded. I'm sorry, but we need to move. We'll tell you all about what you are soon enough. There are too many prying eyes around." [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] Corann's attention snapped back to the Witch, his eyes wide in disbelief. "Layla!" he shouted out in a warning. But it was too late. There was nothing he could do. The feeling of being teleported was not a fun one. As soon as his feet touched the ground once more, his mind took a moment or two to adjust. Boris, on the other hand, was not so lucky. The large dog landed, and then collapsed, dry heaving until finally he lost the contents of his stomach where he then just lay there, looking up at Corann with big, pitiful eyes. He could fucking kill her. [/color] [color=662d91] "Before you ask....we're on top of a mountain, with a protective sphere around us so no one knows we're here, but neither can we leave. I'm Layla Young and I'm a witch, so to speak, what you just saw was magic, and I'll leave the rest for Corann to explain. He is better at such things." [/color] [color=Deepskyblue] "Oh, so it's my turn now... is it?" There was an obvious tone of bitterness in his voice, his dark eyes glued to the Witch that had (perhaps knowingly) put all three of them in a situation that could have been avoided should she have left him to his own devices. He was angry. Beyond angry, in fact. Leaving his sick dog's side, Corann stalked over to Layla and though standing a head shorter than her, his gaze was intense as he stared up at her, his muscles rigid as he tried to keep himself from shouting outright. "She is a newborn - you had no right interfering." Boris, after realizing that he had been left alone, huffed a bit as he forced himself up and onto his feet. Legs still shaky from the strange feeling of being teleported, he staggered over to Madison and collapsed at her feet, pushing his large, heavy head up and into her lap where he let out a small, sick whine. Corann jabbed a harsh finger into Layla's chest. "She was seconds away from turning right there at the school. You're putting stress on her she doesn't need. If she turns now, you'll be putting more than just the two of us in danger. Your years of solitude have made you incompetent in recognizing a delicate situation, even when placed right in front of you. Leave the girl to me, as tasked by the Celestial Guardians even [i]you[/i] pray to... should you have a shred of religion in that cold, insensitive heart of yours." Staring Layla down for a second or two after, Corann removed his finger from her chest and tore himself away to look back at the girl. The sight of his dog laying in her lap, obviously needing attention and love from after the teleportation incident, would have normally made him smile and shake his head at the dogs expense. But the Witch's involvement in the whole ordeal put a sour outlook on the whole thing. [i]"Madison Burke... do not fear. Everything is going to be okay. I've been sent to protect you."[/i] Corann projected into her head, keeping part of their conversation private from unwanted ears. Though the next part he spoke out loud. "My name is Corann Creed. Think of me as your Guardian Angel, kid." [/color]