[hr] [Color=lightgray] [center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/0f/Female_Khil.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/308?cb=20080830094906[/img] [sub][I]Featured: the only pic of a female Khil I believe to exist[/I][/sub][/center][/color] [center][sub] [color=lightgray]Xymone of Gamorr[/color] [color=lightgray]∇[/color] 32 [color=lightgray]∇[/color] ♀ [color=lightgray]∇[/color] 6'8 [color=lightgray]∇[/color] Force Sensitivity N [/sub][/center] [sub][color=lightgray][b]Δ Appearance[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]At a touch over two meters and hale all the way through Xymone radiates an infectious cheer from the flat of her heels to tip of her hullepi. Plush in all the right places her enviable athleticism detracts little from the fullness of her figure, with the caveat she remains plainly a picture of health rather than beauty; a hand wouldn't sink far before meeting muscle. Though the jawless tendril heavy mouth so emblematic of her ilk might be considered repellent to most sentients this confident Khil is of the intractable opinion it merely adds to her 'exotic charm', given their usually the most animated aspect of her expressions. Her skin is a deep dark grey that offsets the blue of her eyes and voice is as melodious as any of her kind. With a heritage of soldiering and healthy respect for hard hitting ordinance Xymone favors heavier Belnarian armor. Fashioned from composite plates sewn between sheets of thermal dissipating material it has a deceptively unprotective, padded appearance despite being relatively stab proof, looking most like a winter coat to the untrained eye. Stiff and quite cumbersome its construction necessitates some exposed sections along the arms and spine for sake of mobility. A fondness of trophy hunting is evidenced elsewhere in her attire and amid more trivial keepsakes a belt of Gamorrean clan rings holds a place of prominence, likewise she is keen to adopt a ridiculous Advozse horn hat when merrymaking. [/indent] [sub][color=lightgray][b]Δ Weltanschauung[/b][/color][/sub] [indent] Polite and friendly for a woman capable of pulling your arms off Xymone is the Khilian contradiction made manifest. Dedicated and Ambitious yet somehow carefree, a creature of arrogance and compassion that pursues profession and pleasure with an equal and impressive devotion. Always a bit too willing to put herself out there and experience new things she is no stranger to disastrous misadventures, an optimism and cultural belief that anything can be overcome with enough effort often seeing her through. As a direct result however she often breaks down under prolonged stress if progress isn't forthcoming. Born an incorrigible xenophile it was only a matter of time before she shirked the trappings of her ancestral homeland and set her sights beyond the stars, that same single-mindedness to see a thing done often urging her to attempt ill-advised or outright impossible feats with consenting (later bruised) adults. Infamously it was during an extended stay as a debt collector she started to be known in certain circles as the hammer of Rodia, though she couldn't say for sure if she'd earned the alias on-duty or off the clock. Prone as she is to prattle and gossip Xymone is unduly paranoid others are attempting to assassinate her character, as few things came before reputation in her line of work. Though not inherently violent she harbors an impressive capacity for devious, vindictive behavior when her loyalty is called into question and has sometimes waited years to avenge relatively minor slights, as a certain blind Bith can attest to. Not being uncharacteristic of her people she sees such behavior as a retaliation rather than overreaction, though would be just as readily appeased by a heart felt apology. Which would be fine if she wasn't such a sore loser at games of chance, quick to feel cheated despite herself. To this day she remains good friends with a pair of Aqualish that had attempted to mug her during a delivery to Ando, suggesting during the scuffle that she was in the wrong line of work. Pybba and Tward still attempt to kill her from time to time mind you, but their damned amicable about it all the same. As twins they've an infuriating habit of insisting she can't tell Aqualish apart and an infuriating habit of being exactly right. [/indent] [sub][color=lightgray][b]Δ History[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]Born to a soldier and star trader the career minded nature of her species meant she'd be seeing very little of one or the other, in this case Qitat, her mother. With nothing more than her father's embellished retellings and the rare long distance communique to go on a young Xymone found herself idealizing an absentee mother, her thoughts on how a woman ought to act skewed as a result. Eventually her parents became less and less enamored with each other and having never married drifted out of contact, something that has always been an irrational source of guilt for Xymone. Stubbornly fantasizing about a chance meeting that would never come she set out to become someone worthy of her mother's respect, which was naturally quite impossible with only an exaggerated caricature to compare herself to. As hard as she tried you'd of thought she was waiting for Xamar himself to show up looking for a padawan. Sensing the growing distance between them Ysget did his best to indulge his daughter through what he thought to be the rebellious throes of youth, seeing as if nothing else she had demonstrated a solid work ethic. Giving a little incentive here and there for the least unsavory folk with whom he dealt to show his daughter a few 'moves' here and there; he'd never expected her to run off with one of them. As a shiftless sixteen year old greener behind the ears than a sea-sick Nautolan she was more the ship mascot than anything, the crew having planned to ransom her back to her father at a very reasonable rate. They hadn't however counted on her being so head-over-heels enamored with the prospect of freebooting. The common area was cleaned for the first time in years, chores got done for a change and even the least accomplished of scallywags suddenly found someone hanging on every word of exploits past. She'd made them feel like real pirates and--unknowingly at first--they'd began to live up to expectations. By the time Xymone had grown enough to see the thick of any fighting that may come (and my how she had grown) the already old assemblage of scofflaws were positively aged. Coming to the conclusion that a life of violence and thievery was no life for the now not so wee Khil they'd become attached to a plan was hatched to have Xymone be the first through the door as they raided a lone vessel. No sooner was she on the modest cargo ship than they'd sealed the doors behind her and flown off, leaving her at the mercy of a relieved but understandably irate Ysget. Chewing her out like an enraged rancor for making such a brash and hurtful decision her father managed to wring a tearful apology from her as the two hugged and made amends. Then she robbed him because damn it if she wasn't a grown woman and he'd have to accept her decisions sooner or later Not really knowing where to go from there she bought passage from one world to the next committing the petty criminal equivalent of odd jobs; delivering suspicious passages, standing around and looking tough, etc. It wasn't until a brush with danger on Ando that a pair of muggers succinctly stated she could 'beat the stink off a jawa' and between the three of them agreed she was in the wrong line of work. Technically she'd only agreed to deliver the package safely, so in exchange for just telling them where it was going the Aqualish would put in a good word with their mercenary company. They lied of course, but apparently fighting Pybba and Tward to a standstill was just as good of an ice breaker. Unfortunately a certain Hutt on Nar Shaddaa would have preferred that parcel been handled with more care, so slowly but surely they tracked down the courier responsible. Completely unawares to the deathly shadow now falling over her from half a galaxy away Xymone just thought Gamorreans liked picking fights with her for the better part of a decade and foolishly felt as if wearing enough of their fallen clan rings would be enough to disuade further attacks. It wasn't until a particularly suave sapient sweet talked her into a night of whirlwind drinking and she awoke next to similarly confused strangers that the situation began to dawn on her. [/indent] [sub][color=lightgray][b]Δ Equipment[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]This Khil combatant's arms and armor make a decisive statement: bigger is better. Armed with a Gamorrean vibro-axe acquired off one of her many porcine assailants and preferring to lob explosives over aim a blaster she is anything but subtle in a firefight. Her well worn and carbon scored armor weathered from forgotten frays yet not in disrepair; a Belnarian holdover from the republic era. Between points A and B she usually relies on a beat up old repulsorlift that has seen better days. Bought used and then some the Arrow-23 seats five (if it wasn't missing a seat), boasts military grade plating (that should have been replaced years ago) and a spacious cargo hold (that doesn't quite lock anymore). Aside from these and a few sundries Xymone is usually nosing about with her personal secretary. [/indent] [sub][color=lightgray][b]Δ Skills[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]One doesn't exactly earn the namesake 'of Gamorr' lightly when they've never set foot on the planet itself. Able to routinely outfight and overpower Gamorreans at spitting distance Xynome is capable of some uncanny feats of strength. Paired with the preconceived notion that effort is paramount she is an unpolished combatant that places little stock in the fancy moves and mystic 'mumbojumbo' of many martial arts, having never been impressed by tactful fighters that lacked the staying power to throw hands with her. Moreover she has a knack for throwing grenades that is a sight to behold, born from a prolonged and continued habit of playing catch with herself as she thinks. Xymone is a pretty bad driver all things considered, but doesn't think twice about turning a chase or game of chicken into a destruction derby. She can navigate wetlands with ease, carry a tune for a mile and makes very good smoothies.[/indent] [sub][color=lightgray][b]Δ General Notes[/b][/color][/sub] [indent]She prefers chipper tunes like Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes break out single [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR0TvNGrxpI]"Mad About Me"[/url], can't eat solids and finds herself supporting most of the empire's policies while still being nonplussed with how human-centric things have become.[/indent] [hr]