[center][h1]SUPER GM HYPE IC OPEN SHIT POST WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[/h1][/center] [@Hostile][@The Spectre][@Elgappa][@Keyguyperson][@Mateotis][@Asura][@The Nexerus][@Dannyrulx][@Verdaux][@Fashy][@Roosan][@Tsar Gatto][@Marquise][@Legion02][@Fallen Muse] For those of you who are still in/accepted, the IC is up! Should you have any questions, feel free to ask me [s]since I'm afraid I might have not put some things out clearly enough[/s] Consider this also a mass notification incase you didn't see my GM post on the history of the IC [s]assuming it works with this many people, there's like 15 of y'all fuckers. Jesus @_@[/s] Just in case: no you do not have to match my absurd post length, I'm just doing that because its first post and I'm crazy; I won't judge you if you didn't write a novella. Also, timing and dates will become a concern but that will be something to be tackled later. For now, just keep in the same day (June 11). Also, I need to do map shite I just realized. >_> Woragh