"Eh?" the maid looked away from her conversation partner and immediately her gaze zeroed in on the nail. "You found it! I was missing one!" Immediately she made to grab the nail, but paused for a moment, eyes on the bloodied tip. Her face became an expression of mild confusion at the sight of the clearly-bloody nail. What had happened, exactly? She didn't [i]recall[/i] anything unusual... "I had meant to set them up last night, but I was missing one and-" [url=http://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2034606]Her shorter, brown-haired friend quickly struck her sharply on the back of the head, causing the former maid to yelp in surprise[/url]. "Do you really think you should just blab about that to anyone? Really now..." The maid sighed. "Let me explain. You're... Miura-san, right? One of the detectives? The maids under the employ of this branch of the Daidouji family have more skills then doing the chores." She paused for a moment, and took a deep breath, before gesturing towards the dark-haired maid. "But this blabbermouth idiot seems like she can't keep her mouth shut about it." "H-hey!" protested the first maid, frowning. "In any case, it's not as if you aren't here to help, so I feel safe telling you about it," continued the brunette maid, "Besides, I need help convincing this moron that there was a theft at all." "But there wasn't!" cried the black-haired maid, "Was there?" A chop was brought down on the maid's head once more, making her yelp. "Stupid. You were so concerned about your missing nail that you didn't even realize the vase was gone." Something seemed fishy about this. A nail belonging to the black-haired maid had injured one of the thieves... and yet, somehow, that maid didn't remember the theft.