I'd join, but I just hate the idea of starting out as a Genin. We all know this is not going to be a 6 month Rp. The one this came from didn't last a week. So why cripple us. To me its like "Look at all this cool stuff and you can barley do anything lol" Now it makes sense for progression, but I see that only for things that don't have established lore or is a original RP idea. Since all this established things are invented already, the RP should focus more on our actions and character interaction more than just pushing through to be able to get a B rank technique. Also pvp is so hard to do. It always ends up so bad, unless GM is using dice and we have a one/two move restriction of attack/defend/Balanced that effect the dice roll. Even if we are not all even, luck and bad decisions will still let a Genin wreck a Junnin. The only thing techniques of skill should change is the damge done IF hit and the range of it.