[centre][b][h1][color=orchid]Madison[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Mountains [b]Date and time:[/b] 13th of March 2017[/centre] [hr][hr] Madison didn't understand anything that was going on. As the woman, the strange, clearly unhinged woman, did something, reaching out to her, Madison recoiled, baring her teeth for reasons she didn't know, she very nearly lunged at the woman, to bite or scratch, or to just allow herself to get away from her, but then there was a sensation like she was being tugged, spun about, turned around, until she didn't know what way was up, or even if she was...together. She fell to the ground as everything seemed to come back at once, scraping a palm, twisting an ankle, she huddled where she was, shivering-whether from fear or cold, she didn't know. When the dog came towards her, Madison latched onto him, taking comfort from him, and stroking him. [color=orchid]"Hey there, buddy..."[/color] He voice shook, but arms full of warm dog, it didn't seem like the dog had much enjoyed...whatever happened either. She pat him, trying to soothe him. She didn't look about, terrified of what she'd see. She had no idea what happened, how the woman had done this... it just wasn't possible, was it? She was obviously delusional. Witch? What looney bin had this woman escaped from? She looked up as the man berated the woman, should probably have terrified her, but he was...doing so at her expense. Newborn? Turn? Celestial Guardians? What was going on, here? she closed her eyes tightly, and just focused on the dog. She could do that. As the man spoke to her, she opened her eyes, glancing up. Do not fear? With everything? Taken to strange mountains in the blink of an eye? She looked up at him, trying to search for answers. There were none, but she couldn't deny the feeling of safety, and she drew in a deep breath. Maybe she'd died and this was her...what, hell? cause if this was heaven, she certainly wanted to speak to god about it. Although, at least there was a dog. Uncertain over his words, Madison glanced away [i]If you're my guardian angel, where were you when I was attacked by...by that thing?[/i], she thought. The dog seemed the safest place to look, so she looked down at him, gently scratching him behind an ear. She was completely ignoring the woman, unable to deal with her. She was still barely able to just stay there, and if it wasn't for the dog, she probably would have fled. To where, she didn't know. Hell, if she could carry the dog, she might have run anyway. Laying her head against the dogs, Madi let his scent wash over her. She wanted to run, to get away...but where was she? How far would she get before that woman...whatever she was...did something? The woman had...it seemed to madison that...she wanted to...control her? Madison decided she didn't want to be anywhere near this woman. This nut. Gently nudging the dog off her lap, Madison rose smoothly, not even noticing that her twisted ankle didn't pain her, she shook her head, stepping back. [color=Orchid]"I...I...I Can't"[/color] She took a few more steps back, stumbling again, but this time she caught herself, and spun around, now not even thinking. These people were stronger then her. She knew that, more powerful, older. Instinct seemed to take over Madison, and the urge to run, to flee was strong. She hated leaving the dog, but she couldn't be around that, that woman. Part of her knew she didn't want to hear...to hear what had happened to her, what she was. [i]What she was?[/i] had some part of her realised that she wasn't normal anymore? That panicked her further. If she wasn't normal anymore, what was she? Again, that quick, brief flash of jaws, a wolf biting down on her shoulder came to her, which just served to speed her onwards, running down the mountain, leaping, more atheletic then she had ever been before, faster and faster, so that everything was nearly a blur. And at some point it wasn't running to get away. It was [i]just[/i] running. It was thrilling, it was [i]amazing[/i] to be able to run like that, to know where to place her feet, how to leap, how to land, and just how to run, faster then she ever had before, faster then she thought she ever could go. It was...freeing. And eye opening. She wasn't normal. That much was clear now. As to what she was....Madison didn't know, but she wasn't about to go back there and find out. Not with that...that...that witch. She suspected that Corann would be able to find her. She didn't know if that terrified her, or reassured her. Although, if he brought the dog... Without knowing what she was doing, Madison lifted her head, sniffing the air. Scents came to her along the wind, and at once Madison changed direction, moving towards where there seemed to be human scents. Fire. Cooking smells. And blood. Oh, blood. Blood. Blood. She wanted that. So much. At that realisation, Madison flinched, tripping over a tree root, she went flying, skidding over the ground. She didn't seem to have the strength to get up, revulsion at the thought that blood seemed appealing to her. She recalled the warm, trickling liquid sliding down her throat, and she was nearly sick. She started to cry, curling up, everything just too much for her. SHe wanted to be home. That singular thought was all that enabled her to get up, and she struggled to her feet, thinking she could get a ticket home from...whereever the hell she was. Only, she didn't get far, as she hit something that was...invisible? She couldn't get out, and that made her panic even more, and she bashed up against in, as if she could break free of it. [hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=fff200]Callie[/color][/h1][/b] [hr][hr] [b]Location:[/b] Carson City, Callie's shop [b]Time and Date[/b] 13th of March 2017, 0900[/centre] [hr][hr] Callie watched the interaction, the only Originals she had dealt with were, of course, Caius and Claudia. It seemed that Originals came in all sorts of personalities and styles, just like humans. That was oddly comforting. She blushed slightly as Caius nuzzled her, as they moved onto talking about scents. Her scent. She had never really thought about that. At the question, Callie appeared thoughtful, [color=fff200]"For humans, this store is classed as a Wiccan store-I can't very well sell proper spells and potions to humans. But, yes, some of the perfumes, and charms are designed to keep them slightly protected from supernatural creatures. They're vulnerable. And with what's going to come...well. They'll need all the help they can get"[/color] She gave a shrug, [color=fff200]"But I do sell spells, potions, and charms that are designed for supernatural uses-witches that don't have the time to do them themselves, angels that need a little something, that sort of thing. Not everything here is designed to drive away the supernatural, though. It enables me to maintain my skills, provide people with a service, and every so often be able to help a supernatural in need"[/color] She gave another shrug, feeling like she wasn't doing justice to her store, but it was the best she could do. [color=fff200]"And to humans, the scents aren't offensive. Of course, they do have lowered senses then you guys"[/color] [hr][hr] [centre][@YoshiSkittlez][@Zhaliora][@Kyrisse][/centre] [hr][hr]