Andrik quickly made a note of the new information after Skarrab-Alea went on her way and he was left in the company of the excitable Amarilla who had bombarded her with questions. He would need to make additional investigations into these weapons that were apparently advanced versions of some ongoing technology development, one that he would need to acquire either observation of or preferably acquire of some for investigation. The tribes, monasteries and towns he had previously encountered were clearly quite out of touch with the world's currently more advanced civilizations if he had not heard of something that appeared to be a well known development, at least to Skarrab-Alea’s culture. He would need to perhaps make speed for the more southern and the apparently more advanced civilizations rather than making detailed notes on every settlement, oddity and creature he came across. Although speaking of oddities and advanced technology all at once there was the traveling show-gnome and his mechanical constructs, who was somewhat conveniently introducing himself to the monk and the northerner. While he wandered over, imagining the hooded tall-dwarf would continue her manic introductions, he turned his attention to the two she would probably be speaking with. An aristocratic looking gentleman, though unlike the heavily armed if fancily clad Skarrab-Alea this one looked like he was out for an evening stroll rather than about to fight the undead. In the same vein the teenage girl was completely out of place, wearing a dress that had seen better days. Either the mission was going to be extremely easy or they were both incredibly dangerous. In the world above nothing was as it seems, so erring on the side of caution was always wise. Rule one, something he had learned at the monastery he received the jade amulet from, really applied to anyone who expressed more casual confidence than they really should and not just old bald smiling sweepers. The marauders that attacked the monastery learned that the hard way. He should probably add the pale hooded Amarilla with her serrated knife of those whose threat was not obvious, her demeanor perhaps a cunning disguise, though the various Alchemist's supplies indicated she was perhaps here to provide medical assistance. But for now he would attempt to strike up conversation with the monk, the gnome Ingrim and the axman Kol’rakul, whose 2 loud introductions he had head on his approach. He walked up just after Ingrim asked his question, nodded to the axman and waited for the monk to respond.