[center] [img] http://i.imgur.com/ZnOpQuF.png[/img] Location: Natural History Museum, NYC Time: Afternoon [@fdeviant][@Shard], [@Luna], [@VATROU] [/center] As Skyler lowered to the ground, Ben’s nostrils flared and sniffed heavily. His exhale fluttered the boy’s colored hair causing his hood to fall off and reveal his true nature, that of demonic origins. Magic laced Skyler’s figure drawing a deeper inhale from Ben’s sniffer and the shadows of memories skirted over his mind. A dark, dank room filled with mold, darkness and age filtered through his attention and tightening his expression in concentration. [i][color=chocolate] ‘Remember… I know you?’[/color][/i] Emotions flooded Skyler’s attention filled with slight confusion and seeking for familiarity, the sense slowly faded when Ben’s ears caught the little dog’s whimper beside the boy. Immediately the werewolf snapped his attention to Mushroom, the pup whimpering and rubbing against Skyler in utter fear despite the boy’s attempt to sooth him. Ben snarled and snapped his teeth, his chest puffed out in dominance as words erupted through Skyler’s skull directed at the dog. [i][color=chocolate] ‘Down… submit!’[/color][/i] Again, Mushroom whined then rolled over. Ben sniffed briefly then snorted in disinterest before he attention turned to another new scent: that of Ji. She was closer to the mess than Skyler was, her eyes looked over and seemed close to vomiting. When her words touched his mind, bewilderment hit her when she spoke his name and his head drew back. His bright, blue eyes studied her, his mind a mix of more beast than human at the moment. After several moments, he asked a question. [i][color=chocolate] ‘You… like me?'[/color][/i] Her body language confused him a bit when she smiled, his figure pulled back in slight concern at her flashing teeth in a smile. When it was clear she didn’t intend to attack, his attention shifted to another scent he hadn’t gotten the chance to investigate earlier. Again, his nose flickered in wild inhales as he located the area it was most concentrated at. Ben’s tail whipped back and forth heavily while he pawed through Holt’s unseen figure before yipping a bit and lowering his front paws. His tongue lolled out with a panting movement. Their, Ji’s and Marie’s, conversation were interrupted by suddenly clapping. The sound echoed throughout the entire room causing Ben’s head to snap in Barron’s direction. An iron, thick scent of blood curled in his nose as Ben’s animal instinct ruffled instantly. His black lips pulled back and white canines revealed in a deep throated growl. His fur raised to puff out his outline and made him look larger than he was. Thankfully, he didn’t lounge but it was obvious he didn’t like the vampire in the least.