Pano was taking a breather behind a holo-news stand as he let the rest of the team take their turns beating on the mechanical monstrosities before them. "Alright, time to end this scuffle" Pano said getting up from his hunched over position and he took off running at the last remaining robot before him. The humanoid robot saw Pano coming and let loose a blast of energy from it's hands directly at the goggled hero Momentum. Pano took the hit hard since it was coupled with his already incredible momentum but the alien speedster continued on towards his target. At this moment time seemed to slow down for Pano, this would be his first big baddy that he'd take down, he had to say something but what? Was he going to be the funny one of the legion and say a funny quip as he took down the robot or maybe he'd go for the stoic badass and say something serious and really make people think. While Pano thought about this he was knocked back to his senses as he realized he was close enough to the the machine man to get a hit in which he did eagerly and then proceeded to reapeat the process five more time before tripping and flying back into the holo-news stand that he'd been hiding behind previously. Maybe he wasn't up to taking down his first verified supervillian yet. [b]Momentum: 9 hp [ -2 from hand blast] Minion-1: 8 HP [-5 from sped up punches][/b]