[center][img]https://s22.postimg.org/qmer2dny9/Precious_Kyle_Lucidius.png[/img] [h2]Location: The Pale Dress[/h2][/center] [hr] That was two powers he witnessed from her. The ability to cloak herself to her surroundings and slow the vibrations of matter, freezing things over. Very interesting. Kyle rarely did things out of character or in the heat of the moment. Yes, he was attempting to gain intelligence from the woman, which she freely gave after the fact, but he also discovered her innate talents. It was a risky endeavor, as she could have proved to have a much more dangerous ability. He remembered a teenage boy he dealt with some years ago. Brian, he believed his name was. A quadriplegic rendered useless in a state-of-the-art wheelchair but soon his powers began to the manifest. They ranged from inhibiting psychosomatic hallucinations in his victims to completely taking over their nervous systems. A string of random suicides lead Kyle to Chicago where he resided. They all had one common denominator among them and it was this boy. From nurses to doctors to insurance professionals. Those that screwed him or his family over soon met a tragic end. When the ice coated his left hand, he recoiled back, clutching it to his chest as he took a step backwards. He looked at Anastasia and holstered his pistol into his waist band, turning his back toward her. His hand began to heat up, his internal body temperature rising as he pushed the heat to the affected area. His knuckles cracked as he flexed his fingers, the ice melting almost as quickly as it had appeared. After the woman ended her rant, his voice softly carried through the empty store, [color=silver]"Keep in mind who the predator in the room is. Make yourself useful and look for any signs of the Resistance."[/color] The Resistance was a group of Touched that found each other a few years ago. It was in response to the establishment of the H.B.C.T.U., or, the Human Biological Counter-Terrorism Unit. This was the organization tasked with the research, tracking, and extermination of the Touched. At first it started out with good intentions. Those that would use their powers for evil were hunted with extreme prejudice but then a bill was passed in the federal government. Due to the increasing presence of the Touched, fear and panic was rampant. Akin to how Nazi propaganda during World War II, there were those in government that sculpted problems and pushed these fears across the public. The Afflicted Persons bill passed and the War on Terror took a turn for the worst. Prisons could not be built in time to house these individuals and a green light was given to the systematic murder of thousands. Kyle was part of the HBCTU. Or, rather, was... His ran across a wall, his finger tapping occasionally to see if there was a false wall. In one instance it felt hollow, but such a thing wasn't possible. This wall was against the brick structure of the building. Of course, he has seen weird things in the past several years. [color=silver]"Here..."[/color] He began looking around the wall for anything. What he found was something interesting. Near the floor behind a shelving unit, he noticed small runic patterns burnt into the wood itself. As his finger passed over them, they shimmered in an amber color. Suddenly, the wall faded from existence and revealed a circular staircase leading into darkness. He leaned over the side and peered into the abyss, his hand reaching for his weapon. Holding it to his side, he looked around for the woman.