Basil was confused for a moment. He then said, "The next Vault isn't for another hundred miles of here. And we won't be able to set out for days with Ja--my friend in this state. Are you really up for that when I'm sure that you have a route to stick to?" "You know, the kid has a point," Leith quickly agreed, glaring at Kaye, "And not to mention that you never know what to expect in a Vault. It's too dangerous. And that we have no idea what this kid is even going into those wretched things for." "Water purification research," he said, tired of his third-degree. It'd be especially bothersome if he had to listen to it for the next hundred miles. Guy might put a bullet in his head not even half-way there just to be on the safe side. "Vaults were known for their experimentation, so we've been looking through them for the information and resources that we need. And those ghost stories you're talking about? Well, yeah, they're all true, so maybe you don't want to come, after all, especially when I have plenty in this bag here to pay you back perfectly fine." "Kaye, just trade with him and let's be on our merry way," Leith said, genuinely spooked now.