[center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/4835169.png[/img] - In the Pokemon Contest Line --> League Line - Interacting with: Chance ([@ZachChase])[/center] [hr] [color=8dc73f]"I'm Chance, nice to meet you Ryan, and... this little skitty here is Blitzy."[/color] So, his name was Chance... That seemed like an odd name if Ryan was being honest to himself. He probably must have heard a thousand jokes about that name too, or maybe there was a chance that he hadn't. Slightly laughing in his own mind at the joke he'd made, his attention turned to the Skitty, or how Chance called her, Blitzy. He had made eye contact with the little fellow earlier, just for a brief moment, and the Skitty seemed a lot more open than her trainer. Though, Ryan wasn't exactly expecting it to jump onto his shoulder. As soon as he saw it move, he immediately braced himself, feeling the pokemon land on his shoulder and being greeted with a meow into the ear. At least, he thought, she weighed around the same as Pixie did, and Pixie did like to hop and balance on his shoulders whenever he would stand still. He would have actually had Pixie on his shoulders now, had it not been for the fact that they were in line, as it seemed to be moving at a rather steady pace now. [color=8dc73f]"Heh... don't mind Blitzy- she's very ... 'open' when it comes to meeting new people."[/color] Chase told him, to which Ryan did an awkward laugh to himself, scratching the back of his neck with the arm whose shoudler side was not the one Blitzy was on. Then, after a slight delay, he switched to petting Blitzy for a bit before setting her down on the ground and turning to face her trainer. [color=8470de]"That's alright, she didn't weigh much more than my partner Pixie. Though, she should probably be careful in the future, shouldn't you yessss."[/color] He said, the last part of his sentence being directed towards the Skitty herself. Pixie took this opportunity to leap into Ryan's arms, to which he happily caught her. It was only then that he realized he was now next in line due to several trainers leaving, presumably because the line was much longer at first, causing them to leave for other lines. With his attention turned to registering, he soon was all set for the competition scene. With his business in this line now done, he gave a short, friendly wave to Chase as he made his way into the League line now. After all, it seemed right now that the Professor was still occupied with a line of her own...