[center][h2]Zorn The Magician[/h2][/center] Michael had finished doing a show and demonstrating his powerful magic to a crowd of cheering people. He was in business and he was loving it. For Michael being his own boss was great. He made his own decisions and was independent of others. In between his shows, Michael would also sometimes use his powers to fight crime and combat those that tried to do evil. It was these escapades that had him run into the likes of John Constantine and Tim Hunter. He wasn't a big fan of the British con artist since Michael believed in a more honest business as a democratic capitalist, but his encounters with the sorcerer were necessary when otherworldly demons and monster sought to turn the world into a dark and scary place. For Michael some acquaintances were out of necessity instead of friendship. After his show was over he decided to go out and patrol the city of Gotham for a bit. Things in the city had become more chaotic since the disappearance of its greatest hero The Caped Crusader otherwise known as Batman, along with the rest of the Justice League. Villains were more bold, but the young generation of heroes such as himself were able to try and fill their shoes. As the magical hero known as Zorn, Michael was doing his part and had several encounters with various villains, most of them were minor adversaries of the older heroes and not the top bad guys. For now he was content with dealing with robberies and stopping murders and assaults. His Weird Magic allowed him to create bizarre illusions to frighten and confuse his foes and then defeat them. He was a master illusionist and his family's magical arts were among some of the legendary kinds of magic. Gotham at night was as dark and grim as it has always seemed to have been. It almost seemed perfectly fitting for crime to happen in this city and wasn't a surprise that its protector was a fittingly dark vigilante. Ever since the league disappeared Michael decided to help out the new league and he was confident in his abilities to assist in keeping the world a safe place.