[@Master Crim] [center][h1][color=green]Gotham city, Midtown west[/color][/h1][/center] [color=lightgreen]"While there is a possibility of a supervillian doing this, its almost impossible, based on the clues that the voice said the bomb is possibly on one of the gangs hideouts so it could be a man that had ties to the mafia or a gang, tell your men to detain men suspected of gang activity and ask them about their hideouts and bases location, if they dont comply threaten them with not letting them go till the bomb goes off, they will probably care more for their life than loyalty to their bosses. Contentrate your effort on finding the hideouts and bases, searching every building is futile" Hayato paused and grabbed the Policeman arms "If we play our cards right we can come out alive of this, show this city that the GCPD can handle cases like this without the Bat" [/color] After saying this Hayato took off, the situation was really grim and both of them couldnt afford to waste precious time, now he had to initiate a search of his own too. Finding a gang member didnt took as long as he tought it would, running a few meters from were he met the policeman Hayato found two men fist fighting in the middle of the street. One of them had his jaw covered by a orange bandana, had an orange cap and oversized jeans and shirt, the other man instead wore his bandana on his head, which was blue in color and a pair of sunglasses on his head. Hayato ran to them and stopped their fight, using his strenght he grabbed the one with the blue bandana by the collar and kicked the other one on his knee; causing him to fall on the floor where Hayato stepped on the manĀ“s arm, with not enough force to break bones of cause extreme pain but enough so that it would be difficult to break free from it. [color=lightgreen]"Since you werent in any hurry of escaping, I decided to use the time we have left to do better things than fight amognts ourselves, so if you dont want to die here with me I need you to ask me some questions"[/color]