Masrith still wanted to speak on the matter of the journey with Irthorne but couldn't as Irthorne was busy tending to other matter. Masrith tried to speak up but slipped. Instead of sending a mental message, a giggles hiss came from his mouth. Masrith froze a little before backing off. He observed the group. Everyone was making their own conversation and small talk with others. The saddest part was that Masrith could not verbally understand a single word they were speaking. He relied on reading surface thoughts to translate and properly communicate. Masrith looked for an empty spot to sit down. It didn't take long before that objective was met. He took a seat and opened his back, pulling out several books. He opened them and began to read several at a time. His mental notes being somewhat scattered. There were several brutish looking tall dwarves that appear to make good slaves or hosts for the process of ceramorphosis. The owl creature somewhat peaked his interest. The body of the figure seemed well toned but his equipment did not seem to be a heavy load. Perhaps his wings were not as strong as the owl wanted people to believe. The humanoid spider was next. The exo skeleton was a good thought. Perhaps against slashing weapons, but brute force like a hammer or mace could still mash up the insides, like shaking a crate with glass items in it. A curiosity formed. Were the exo skeletal plates weak or absent around her joints to allow maximum flexibility? If so, her joints may be easily severed if necessary. A gnome with various contraptions also peaked a thought. If they responded to verbal command, then perhaps mentally dominating the creater would allow control over the various forms of metal creatures. Further mental analysis would be required. A monk named Feon was next. A sort of mental feeblety could be sensed. It was interesting, her physical nature wouod not be a threat if her mental domain was not in order. Perhaps training her in psionic reinforcement to develop a friendship would allow easier access to her mind. Once she became familiar, I could establish a mental link and dominate her. This of course were only thoughts if Masrith was to be betrayed. He knew his race was despised so having a contingency plan was almost nessecary. The gnome with the contraptions, eating his brain would be nice. He intelligence may make a perfect host for ceramorphosis. These were just thoughts though. It wasn't like it would be plausible. Masrith figured he should just play the role they give him. He doesn't have any people who care about him or even a home to go to.