Q, how would gem weapons fare against something made out of titanium? That stuff is notoriously extremely difficult to dent or break and is also super heavy, but that latter bit Gems can kinda shrug off. Heck Titanium can kinda take plasma shots pretty well. [quote=@Raijinslayer] Seraphinite: [color=Forestgreen]"I'm not a kid, and I'm not cute!!!! Now go leave me alone before I kick some dumb Crystal Clod butt."[/color] *gets up off the ground, dusts self, walks off in another direction . . . falls into another pit of quicksand* [color=Forestgreen]"I MEANT TO DO THAT!!!"[/color] [/quote] [color=8dc73f]Marry: You know, if you wanna fall into something, I can give you the joy of falling forever while on the ground. Actually that'd be interesting. 'how high can I shoot a gem up?' Don't worry, I'll catch you![/color]