[h3]Rex[/h3] "[color=fff200]Like always,[/color]" Rex began to repeat after Amadeus. Up until that point, he was confident that while there wouldn't be any coffee available until midday, it was going to be Just Another Day of doing very little indeed, punctuated only by brief naps in the sun and the occasional caffeine-fuelled burst of hyperactivity. However, as the speaker system crackled into life to deliver a fateful message about a meeting - a word that Rex had yet to fully grasp the meaning of, but had discovered that it functioned something like a curse word - his ears pricked up and, a moment later, he was seeking shelter behind the coffee machine. For once, the word meeting did not immediately lead to explosions, the unexpected formation of anomalous time zones or their subsequent cataclysmic collapse, nor those people with the strange suits that covered their whole bodies bursting in through the windows. Peering out from behind the relatively little safety afforded by the coffee machine, Rex watched Amadeus eat [i]something[/i], and wander off. After giving the room one last look over, Rex darted, not for the door, but towards the wall. Then, up the wall, his claws extended and ripping yet another set of tears into the faded floral wallpaper. Within seconds, Rex was into the vents. With one last angry stare at the coffee machine, Rex disappeared. Numerous symbols and drawings were scratched into the inside of the vents, helpfully mapping out which vent led where, along with a series of ever larger pictures of teeth to warn about getting too close to Maya's cell. Taking an up, a left, a down, a right, another right, a sort of up and a left, and then a left again, Rex arrived at the Board Room Vent. Ever so carefully, Rex pushed at the covering and peered at the floor of the Board Room. The last time he had visited the Board Room, there wasn't even a discernible floor, just a sticky mat of thick black goo, the result of an interview process gone horribly wrong. Or horribly right, it was hard to tell. Either way, satisfied that the floor posed little to no threat, Rex levered open the metal grill covering the vent and proceeded to drop down to the floor. Or, that was the plan; the grill snapping shut behind him caught the hem of his laboratory coat and, rather than hitting the floor, he instead just hung there, upside-down, suspended from the ceiling by his little lab coat. At least, from here, he could actually watch the meeting unfold, and didn't risk being trod underfoot.