[center][h2][color=f7941d]Morgana Lockwood[/color][/h2] [@EnterTheHero] [@Sho Minazuki][/center] Morgana was in deep thought, considering about bailing out the last minute and going ahead to sign up for the Contests and the League, when the professor came back with a box full of pokedexes. She quickly received hers from the professor, but before she could think about saying thank you, suddenly a stranger weaseled into her personal space. Taken a back and on edge, Morgana was ready to give this stranger a piece of her mind when…she saw his partner Pokemon standing beside him. And it was [i]cute.[/i] Overcome with curiosity and excitement, Morgana immediately got down, releasing her grip on Luft the Drifloon, and began to pet the other Pokemon. And boy was it soft. So small and soft. Morgana wasn’t exactly sure what kind of Pokemon it was; but it looked familiar and she knew it wasn’t Sinnohian. Fennel? Fenkly? Fennier? That sounded…close. Maybe. Morgana was so distracted by the creature that she almost missed its trainer talking to her. A few moments the words sunk in and the girl stood up once more, shooting an uneasy glance at the boy trainer. [color=f7941d]“Yeah…we are…”[/color] she said, feeling very little desire to expand more on the conversation. She motioned to her partner Pokemon, who was floating a little too close to the Fennekin down below; it’s gaze full of curiosity, similar to that of its trainer. Morgana smiled faintly at the sight and felt a tinge bit more at ease. [color=f7941d]“Your Pokemon is cute! What’s their name?!”[/color]