Well, so much for being a shadow, the one thing it didn't act like. Suddenly the Shadow moved towards the location of the Ulithard. He had heard of such creatures but never seen one in real life. Furthermore, their anatomy wasn't completely clear so he couldn't just morph into it. Maybe if he observed it from a closer distance, even conversing with it, he could get a better feel. And if push comes to shove he could just kill the monster to get all the information. As the Shadow joined the creatures own shadow it noticed, it was different. Now that Lorick remembered, all the pictures he had seen, this creature was definitely different from their race. A new evolution pattern maybe? A mutation? Hearing the barbarian speak he said: [color=708090]"Thank you but there is no need, I ate just before leaving for this ordeal."[/color]- politely refusing the Axeman's offer. As he was about to turn his attention to Masrith, the temptation in him got too strong. Suddenly turning his head towarss the fairy. A desire to kill, no, eradicate sparkled inside him. Even after completing his end of the deal to gain this body, the demon still affected him with it's selfish desires. He never learned why it hated the fae so fanatically. Looking at the fae he licked his lips in excitement, the thought of plunging into her passed his mind for a split second. Mustering his will, he turned away from the wingless fae and approached the Ulithard. Standing before him, it was reading a strange book, until the creature looked up. [color=708090]"In case you missed it, my name is Lorick Lockwell. A pleasure to make your acquaintance."[/color]- he thought in hopes that the creature understood him. And before the creature could got up, he sat down beside it, keeping a comfortable distance for both of them. [color=708090]"Have you found anything of interest in this group?"[/color]