Horus smiled at his militant 'at-ease' pose, across the floor was a welcome wagon of weapons. Arranged from smallest on the outside to largest in the middle, melee on the left and ranged on the right. Once the third arrived, he began what seemed like a prepared speech." "Take a minute, pick out a favorite...In many ways, you are like these weapons. They have strengths, weaknesses, and a key purpose when designed. Many can be used outside of their initial purpose, not as well as a specific tool, but with training they can be compensated for. Today, we are going to start with your weaknesses. That favorite you were eyeballing? Look for its opposite, if you were looking at the guns, grab a melee weapon, if you were looking for something light, grab that big two-hander, if you were looking for something in the middle, grab the farthest extreme. This is not an exercise to make you feel inept or degrade you like some drill sergeant. Out there in the field you will most often be out of your element, the sniper of the group might be taken out by a stray blast and it is up to you to take the shot for the mission or to save lives. You cannot save the worlds if the safety is on. You have to the count of ten to grab the worst weapon...Ready?" "THREE!"