He was a bit surprised that Aria was going to try and scream the summit into submission, but it was a better option than standing there while a bunch of the old guard whittled each other away with verbal insults. Walking to the rear of both non-Force users, he threw up a protective sphere(which naturally covered Jungze as well due to her placement), which prompted the trio to look up at the young Knight. "She's going to scream. This is going to be for your protection." "A Force Scream at such a young age? Mmm...looking forward to the display." "That makes one of us." Neta grumbled, her hands instinctively going to her ears. Elara followed suit just as Aria exploited the gargantuan amount of Force energy to let out an even more powerful shriek than the previous ones, Yerbol's barrier rippling violently at the display. "Delicious." Jungze whispered, the corners of her mouth turning up in a wicked smirk as the room went silent. After Aria's vehement insistence on their going and Roan's subsequent giving in, Voldon added: "Then I go as well." "As will I." Matt added, Kira snorting a laugh. "Is this a 'Master's only' trip or am I coming, too?" Voldon looked down at his wife with a smirk. "If you so choose, darling, come along." "Wait, wait." Neta stood up before continuing: "We're going to need some of you to stay behind. If we get into any trouble with insane Force users that work for Bracknell, we'll need the back up." Matt nodded in agreement. "A fair point. It would also be good to have a calming presence for the younger ones. They'll need the support. I volunteer to stay behind." "Really, Matt? And pass up an opportunity to do field work?" "I think it'd be nice to have a break from 'field work'. Ever since Tattoine, I've wanted some time to catch my breath. This is the perfect opportunity." "Right then, so decide on who else is staying." ___ Decisions were made quickly and after some last minute preparations, the shuttle was loaded with those who wanted to see the homeworld. Their pilot was going to be the Mirilian, Zora, from Havoc Squad, seeing as Neta felt it best if she stayed on the ground and coordinated whatever she could from their new command center. Yerbol would serve as co-pilot, which had him in the front of the shuttle that Jungze insisted they take(Kandar made herself a home quickly with Neta's insistence in the base) along with Zora. Once the duo got them into the atmosphere, the masters who accompanied them did the rest, helping them steer out of the atmosphere safely and into space. Using the star maps and old coordinates from their first trip there, they found the planet within the hour and landed in a much calmer environment than they had left. The clearing that Yerbol and Aria had identified on their first journey there would be their landing place, seeing as that was the only place they remembered was safe to land at. As they touched down, Zora commented: "This place...this place is weird. Volcanoes next to glaciers next to tropical forests? It's like someone splattered a biology textbook on land." "Weird doesn't even begin to encompass what's here." Yerbol flicked the switch for the loading ramp before telling Zora: "Just stay in touch with me." He pointed to the minuscule earpiece that Elara had given he, Zora and the rest of the landing party to stay in contact in case of separation. "Roger that." _______ It was difficult to retrace their steps at first, seeing as a fresh layer of frost covered the once humid and dense jungle they had sifted their way through, but after several minutes of discussion, they found their way on the correct path, which was only validated by their arrival at the cavernous tower with steps embedded on the rockface. "Just have to climb the-" Howls and shrieks pierced through the once calm environs, the air growing even colder. "Wonderful. Somehow I knew they were going to show up." Sabers snapped to life as four of the corpse-like creatures bounded towards them, mouths foaming with anticipation. "They don't look so bad. I've seen collicoids worse than this." Voldon quipped, crouching into an offensive position. "Don't underestimate them, Master Voldon. They're...powerful." "As powerful as us?" Jungze guffawed, her violet saber held in one hand as another was extended forward. "Maybe you two had trouble on your own, but come now, give us oldies a bit of credit." As a creature leaped into the air to deliver a would-be slash at the neck, Jungze threw a powerful burst of dark energy from her fingertips, the attacker soaring several feet backwards before landing to the ground with a sickening crack. "Let's deal with this distraction as quickly as possible. So much more is to be done."