His name was Barry Allen, the fastest man alive, and... he was late for his flight. Barry had been in Gotham the past few days helping the Gotham Police Department on a connecting case. Now he was stuck in traffic taking a cab ride to the airport. Barry was always the type to be late to things before he got his powers and decided to keep on doing so once he did. The guy who's always late couldn't possible be the fastest man alive. He was almost tempted to just get out and run there. If he was too late he'd have to stay in Gotham another night. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but he was ready to get home. His thoughts of getting home was then interrupted by the buzzing of his phone in his pocket. He took it out and checked to see that he had gotten a missed call and a text message. Was he that out of it that he didn't notice the phone call? The text was asking him if he was at the airport and if he was okay because of all the chaos. Barry looked outside the window and noticed the smoke rising in the city. He asked the cab driver to turn on the radio so they could find out what was going on. The news station talked about a terrorist attack in Gotham and suggested that everyone stay inside so they could be safe. They also announced the grounding of all flights. Not that Barry was planning to go home anymore anyway. He couldn't leave Gotham like this. Up until now he decided to not even hero up while in the city. It wasn't his place to do so. Not unless there was something going on around him. [color=ed1c24]"Stop the car."[/color] Barry said as he started unbuckling his seatbelt. "Traffic isn't even moving." The driver replied confused as to why he'd even want to stop the car anyway. [color=ed1c24]"Right. Right."[/color] Barry looked at the meter and took the fare out of his wallet. He even gave the driver a little extra. He then got out of the car and waited for the driver to pop open the trunk so he could get his suitcase. Once he did Barry was out of there. He ran normal speed to an alleyway and hid his suitcase before pulling out a [url=http://static9.comicvine.com/uploads/square_small/9/99801/2393058-costume_ring.png]ring[/url]. He put the ring on and touched the top causing it to spring open and release an expanding suit. Barry used his super speed to put the costume on and became the Flash. As soon as the suit was on he was out of the alley and speeding through the city. Whenever he came across a group of criminals he knocked them out them out and left them for the police. He got civilians to safety whenever he came across them and he even put out a few fires. He was feeling back in his element. He missed this and just hoped any of the resident heroes wouldn't mind him helping out. As he went through downtown he could feel a change in temperature from the rest of the affected areas. He turned a corner and noticed what looked to be an ice golem and someone else in a costume. He was expecting more to see the infamous Batman but the night wasn't over yet. He ran up to the duo and said, [color=ed1c24]"I'm the Flash. Need any help?"[/color]