Feon had been busy looking at all of the other newcomers. The shadow man didn't quite rub her the right way. Something was off about him, very off. Then there was the tentacle faced creature. She had heard of them before but couldn't remeber what they were called. Their mind control however worried her the most. If that thing ever got too close to her she would end up punching it in the face without a second though. That was when she turned her head to see meat bread flying at it. Her eyes widened with what looked to be joy and grabbed it then quickly started eating it. If there was one thing that she loved it was food. And meat bread, while it wasn't her favorite would still bring her alot of joy. Feon then turned her attention to the gnome that seemed to approaching her. He looked quite annoying too. He introduced himself as Ingrim and stated that his contraptions wanted to get to know her. "I'm known as Feon the Mercenary." Feon stated it wasn't much of a title but it would do for now. "And I have no interest in your contraptions. I'm sorry but I never did like noisy things like those, not everyone enjoys a circus you know." Feon added giving him a wave and going to sit down near Kol'Rakul with her own meat bread and started to eat. She was certainly the hungry type from the looks of things too.