"Hu hu hu!" the black-haired maid seemed to suddenly be filled with pride on the subject of her nails. Behind her, the brunette softly brought a palm to her face. "My trap nails aren't [i]ordinary[/i] nails! Look!" Pressing the top of nail, the tip suddenly collapsed inward, twisting as it did until there was simply, seemingly, a small flat disc of metal. When placed on the ground, it would be rather difficult to see it at all, even if you were a seasoned thief. "When something stands on top of it, it extends all at once and drills a hole right into whatever touched it! But... I didn't set any up last night, I was going to but... something happened..." The girl trailed off, frowning to herself as she did. "... I don't really remember, maybe I was tired? Er..." "As you can see, she's just an idiot," said the brunette with a sigh. "I have no idea how she doesn't know what happened."