[center][h1][color=#F7DC6F][b]☬ ĸeanι de la crυz ☬[/b][/color][/h1] Mentions: [@LoneSilverWolf] & [@DriveEmOut][/center] It had been a long morning of traveling that had started a few hours before the break of dawn. Night favored Keani and Ronin, as the nights and early mornings were much easier to travel in for them. Ronin in particular, with his thick fur, he'd overheat a lot faster in the afternoon sun. Their travels had since brought them to a large highway, packed with old, rusty and dusty cars, trucks and 18-wheelers broken down many years ago, in a time when things had just begun to take it's turn for the worse. It'd been months since Keani had even seen a car, the sight of them alone brought back broken, faded memories of the fantasy she once lived those 17-years-ago. The sounds of the music on the radio were just jumbled white noise in her mind, unable to recall what music even sounded like, anymore. It wasn't till Ronin began to growl deep in his chest, head hunkered low as he stared off ahead at something far ahead of them that Keani was brought back from her memory and into the present. Quickly she hid behind a fairly large van, pulling her collapsible binoculars from her back pocket to take a peek at whatever was ahead. A man and a young boy. For a moment, Keani figured they were together until she realized the boy was aiming a rifle at the man's chest, and then suddenly a scuffle unfolded between the two as they rassled back and forth. Keani safely tucked her binoculars back into her pocket before unsheathing her dual swords from off her back, staying in a half-crouched position as she maneuvered through the lines of traffic. Keeping a good hundred feet between her and the two men, Keani could barely make out their voices. It sounded as if one was trying to make peace. Most likely was outsmarted by the other and wanted to save his own skin. [i]'Figures,'[/i] Keani thought to herself. Holding out her hand in a fist, Ronin stayed deathly still beside her as she peeked up through the car window at the two before her. From behind, Keani could also hear a couple of stags behind her wandering her way, to which she grit her teeth and cursed under her breath. Peering from the two guys to the stags behind her, she didn't want to blow her cover but she also didn't want them to get close enough to chase her from it, either. Either way, her cover would be blown. Keani let out a huge sigh and got up from her place of cover, not caring if the two saw now, walking up to the stags as they growled and moaned at her. With two swift swings of her swords, one for each, both the stags fell to the floor in slumps. Keani clicked her tongue a couple of times at Kai, who responded quickly by running to her side, sniffing at the dead stags on the floor before sneezing at them almost in disgust. Her eyes were set on the two she'd been focused on before, eyes narrowed.