[color=7CFC00]Oh, I didn't scrap it. I plan to start it up again sometime after Christmas. It ended up coming to an end (for now) because of some issues with people disappearing or becoming busy, and a particular instance that left everyone in a very odd place to respond to. So, due to all that and my mental state; I decided to rework some of the basics of it and make things easier for everyone involved. I suppose I shoulda said 'put on hold' rather than dropped. These new projects are fun things that I've had ideas about for a long time, so I thought I'd do that while working (in the meantime) on Moonscratch Chronicle: (re)Cycle One. They're things I want to do to make me feel better and get me back into the habit of writing, given that stretch of absence I had...y'know, due to all my life-problems and such. I checked on the rules and stuff. It might be interesting to get into a murder mystery kinda thing. I'll think about it. ^^[/color]