Breach looked around the helicopter at her fellow members. None of them really looked like they were willing to actually go into this mission, and were having second thoughts at this point. She loaded her uzi hastily and stood, figuring then was the best time to do it, and looked back around the helicopter. Nope, nobody but Sgt Morse looked really confident in this mission in her small squad. Shameful, really, because Breach was looking forward to getting to know a few of the people on this. She carefully walked over to Morse and tried striking up a conversation with him. Once beside him, Breach holstered her uzi and outstretched her hand towards the sergeant, her other hand holding onto the the inside of the helicopter so she wouldn't stumble and fall. [color=ed145b]"I'm Breach. Pleasure to be working with you, [i]signore[/i]."[/color] When asked if there were any more questions, Breach turned her head in the direction of JB and asked the question she had. [color=ed145b]"Does the amount of limbs of the captured matter?"[/color] She did have a grenade launcher, and wanted to make sure if she was to be extra-careful with it.