Denny continued to play his flute for a while, and he was in the middle of a flute rendition of Another One Bites The Dust when he heard an announcement: [center][color=silver] Attention All Employees. There Is A Meeting In The Board Room In 10 Minutes. Please Do Not Be Late.[/color][/center] "Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, meeting time!" He shouts, shoving his flute into his belt and throwing his hands in the air. He then ran as fast as he could to the meeting room, laughing in excitement. He always loved these meetings, especially the parts where Mr. Philip talked. He was so cool and smart and amazing and awesome and Denny wanted to be just like him! It didn't matter that most of these meetings ended with the gruesome deaths of half the disposable, unnamed redshirts known as the staff, they were awesome! But one thing Denny didn't like about the meetings was walking past the... [center][h2][color=silver]LARGE METAL DOOR[/color][/h2][/center] It scared him. For some reason he didn't like it, it was just so... [center][h1][color=gray]M E N A C I N G[/color][/h1][/center] He meekly walked up to it, placing a hand on it. He shuttered when he touched it, and his hands felt icy. He ran away as fast as he could, and opened the door to the meeting room. Inside was, well, the meeting room. He took a seat at a chair, and played his flute while waiting for everyone else to arrive. He felt uneasy after his encounter with the [center][h2][color=silver]LARGE METAL DOOR[/color][/h2][/center] though.