[center][img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-HKxYAziEAzE/Ubj7kuMb4GI/AAAAAAAADfE/pdiavB1Ob_Q/s1600/anigif_enhanced-buzz-20598-1371046319-20.gif[/img][/center] [indent] Alright, I have returned from grading papers.[/indent] [@Redd][@Gunther] My general rule of thumb is if I like the sheet, I'll find a place for you. That and everyone else is still really working on their sheets, so you still got time. [@Zora] Sep does bring up some good points. They would of had to take the armor off to do the explosive brain surgery. But if you so desire and and you produce a good enough sheet, you character could possibly be Mus' partner. If being partner with a mentally unhinged, trigger happy, death machine sounds like a fun time. (so I mean basically she's Mel Gibson in Lethal Weapon). [@Sep][@Paraffin][@DepressedSoviet] I'll put up more detailed reviews in a little bit, but I will say so far things are looking okay. You all at least followed the CS format so there is that little victory.