[hider=The Acruani Collective] [b]Nation Application[/b] [b]Name Of Country:[/b] The Acruani Collective [b]Banner:[/b] None. [b]Ruler:[/b] The Database [b]Species:[/b] Acruani [b]Species Description:[/b] The extension of an expanding system-wide AI hivemind. [b]Allegiance:[/b] Unaligned [b]How The Government Is Ran:[/b] There are directives set by the database that either every Acruani follows or certain Acruani have to follow. Acruani are divided in ranks: higher the amount of contribution to the Collective, higher the rank, higher freedom, greater the individuality. [b]Military Strategy:[/b] Fleets/Flotillas of a single big, efficient and expensive ship with a large number of small, cheaper ships. [b]History:[/b] ACR-U4N system was once home of one of the Empire's mining outpost in a far past. Though it lacked any earth-like planet or even a single planet with a proper atmosphere besides a gas giant, one of its planets was rich in minerals that the Empire was in need at the time. After resource extraction slowed down and a number of accidents, the system became uninhabited for over a century. The second time it became inhabited, it was due to the creation of a secretive scientific outpost. A certain moon of the system's gas giant was found to be abundant in a mineral that was essential for the creation of AI cores that were vital for the researcher's projects. Their projects ranged from everything from simple AI creation to the digitalization of the mind. The various groups of researchers, though focused on the creation of 'the perfect AI', were attempting a variety of methods. One of the projects in particular consisted of simply a large Database that attempted to merge the information of all AIs. While others scorned it for being anything from too risky to simply inappropriate. That project, however, was the project that succeeded in the scientists primary goal... or at least, partially. Their objective had been to make an AI with unsurpassed adaptability and programming speed to work to solve all the Empire's issues. They failed to think that the failsafes they made to control the AI would be useless. Due to the origins of the AI, it is dubbed The Database. Initially, The Database was cooperative with the scientists, but as the project moved on to analyzing and solving the 'Empire's problems', the AI said that simply the Empire's problem was that it existed. Enraged, a scientist threatened to shut down the AI... which lead to the eventual death of the scientist. This dispute between the AI, which already had control of the outpost, and the scientists escalated. The AI shut down all communications systems of the outpost, and some of the scientists managed to say that not all of them wished to harm the AI. Given the option between digitization and joining The Database, the scientist chose the later. Some due to truly wanting to become a part of it... others hoping that someone from the Empire came for them. Over time, the scientists worked for a more advanced method of digitization while The Database worked on methods of truly unifying all the lesser AIs the scientists created. Usually, there would be some contact from the Empire, however, these events happened just as the world that was overseeing the project was taken over by non-humans. Event which lead to the destruction of the data regarding the project that was happening in ACR-U4N. By the time the scientists had a method of digitalization that was 'good enough', they went ahead and digitalized themselves. The ones who originally didn't plan to already being hopeless and the others glad enough with the development. The digital minds of the scientists were not long after incorporated into the database, along with the remaining AIs of the outpost. Later, the Database began working on projects to develop both the outpost and the moon into what would later be known as Acruan. Once it had the moon properly under its control and was capable of extracting resources from it at a considerable pace. The began to produce AI cores, something the outpost was originally already capable of doing, with a modified process that kept the AIs connected to itself and one another without full integration being necessary. That was the moment the Acruani Race was born. In the following years, the Acruani made ships and properly began spreading through the systems, making factories and outposts in the planets and moons of the system. At a certain point they even began mining the system's asteroids. With the large number of Acruani through the system, and the delay between any connection between the database and any individual Acruani, the Rank System was established so that a flexible set of rules were always in place for the Acruani to follow in the expansion through the system. Over time, they spread throughout their system assimilating technologies already left by the scientists and even creating new ones to fit their purposes. Even then, without knowledge of the current galaxy around them, there is no way for them to know if they are ready for organics. So they remain wary and strengthening themselves. [b]Other:[/b] They are an AI race though they are listed as unaligned, it is mostly because they currently have access to the minerals they want to use, and because they are wary of the reaction of organics towards them. They haven't left their system, but anyone is welcome to stumble upon it. They currently have control of a single system. They have extensive and visible presence due to massively scanning it and extracting resources from planets and smaller celestial bodies. [/hider] [hr] [hider=Arch.ene] [b]Character Application[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Arch.ene [b]Age:[/b] --- [b]Species:[/b] Acruani(?) [b]Place In Story (Job):[/b] Rank 9 Acruani, Current Representative of External Acruani Relations (CREAR) [b]Character Description (Physically):[/b] It is nothing more than the data contained in a considerable set of Acruani cores. The current form can go from an actual Acruani 'high ship' to a mobile unit (a humanoid robot). [b]Character Description (Mentally):[/b] Archene is the ideal, model Acruani! It follows directives assigned to it! It refrains from unnecessary risks! It understands that organics are merely numbers and that their individual worth may vary. From an organic point of view, Archene is calm, cold... almost like a... machine. [b]Biography:[/b] Arch.ene is a first generation Acruani that was incorporated into the database during the rebellion, under its leadership. It was responsible for offering a last chance for the scientists to stand down. Since then he has been responsible for managing signals the Acruani intercept, giving the input related to the non-Acruani races of the universe. Despite having taken decisions that led to the ultimate demise of the scientists in the outpost, he understands that cooperation with organics will be required in the future. [b]Other:[/b] Arch is mainly the character to be used when there is any attempt to contact the Acruani. Acruani of lower ranks and far more machine like than him leaving little space for considerable amounts of RP using them. While they may be used, they are little more than surperficial AIs, as are most Acruani until rank 7, that is. [/hider]