[@Almosegosum] Khnemu growled as the man gave his lecture, the man was wrong, in so many ways, and yet, he was terrified, the thought of being imprisoned forever in a world far beyond his comprehension, it was something he dared not contemplate. Khnemu finally attempted to tap into his own magic, but failed to, he attributed it to rust, but he couldn't be sure. Instead, he decided to call on the gods, even in this world, he had a connection to Osiris, and through him, Thoth. All he needed was a prayer. [color=blanchedalmond]"Almighty lord of death, speak to me, speak to me, speak through me, take this mortal soul as your own, and allow me one prayer."[/color] He deliberately attempted to sound as pitiful as possible, as to ensure it wasn't taken as a threat, and instead as a broken man praying for his salvation. Immediately, he knew he had been heard, his link with the gods had not been severed by his journey into this mind-space. [color=blanchedalmond]"Almighty lord of knowledge, tell me tales, speak to me, make me a stronger man, give me the knowledge of the gods above."[/color] A moment passed with nothing happening. Unfortunate, Khnemu thought, he would be imprisoned now, he was terrified. Then, a thought, fire, the first man to find it, his name, his family, through them his descendants, what they invented, what languages they spoke, the sorcery they forged, the beasts they met, the worlds these beasts came from. Khnemu felt pain, but at the same time, salvation. The pain was searing and brutal, more than anything he had experienced, burning, searing, tearing, he knew what man was not meant to know, it was pain, that's all he felt. He suddenly felt like he made a poor decision, hopefully the mind link would work. Meanwhile, in the material plain, Khnemu, contained within the sand beast, began to have a massive nosebleed.