[color=D6CC88]Amuné shrieked as Cecil fell to the ground, hit by some sort of bad magic. Ethan reined in their horse, the gelding prancing in agitation. It didn't like being in the middle of what was turning into a battlezone. Then the Muran pulled her off Jorvind, and she clung to him, shaking. It was the bad Magi, the one with the poison blobby half-dead things, and she was frightened. She didn't want to let go, but she knew she had to. Ethan needed to go help the others. "Don't let them get you," she begged, giving his cheek a quick kiss before he set her down behind the cart. Wyth immediately moved between her and their attacker, his fur fluffed up so he looked even bigger than he already was. He might not be able to help much to fight off the rotting beasts, but he would protect his girl, even with one paw still badly injured and his healing hip sore. The girl didn't want to watch the fighting. Images of the bandits on the ship and the slavers in the warehouse filled her head and she was shaking. Why did this keep happening? Pressing close against the moorcat she clasped her hands tightly and did the only thing she could: prayed to the Saints to watch over her friends and the new lady and the Dimuran princess. She tried to reach with her magic, to find something that might help them get the bad Varuna to go away again. But it wouldn't work like she wanted, instead subjecting her to a dozen flickered images of everyone dying, of Wyth trying to stop a blob that came for her and being badly injured in the process, with a knowledge that he was severely poisoned too. Choking back a sob, she pushed the visions away, ignoring the push of it against her head now that she'd invited it, and the sudden weight that she felt come to settle on her shoulders from using her power. She ventured a peek out from behind the cart. Nymira was doing okay, lighting the dripping blob beasts on fire even though it created nasty smog, and Amuné pulled the top of her shirt up to cover her nose. Cecil was up again, and the creatures couldn't really hurt him that much since they didn't make him sick. She'd lost track of the new lady, but Ethan wasn't doing so well, having to dodge and looking like he was running out of energy. She wanted to help, but her hands were far too unsteady to use her sling, and she'd never be able to do anything with her knife, not against a real fighter. "I wish I could do something helpful," she whispered, ducking down again as Wyth caught her shirt in his teeth and tried to tug her back out of sight. "All I do is get in trouble and in the way...I don't even know how to use my gift properly." [i]Please, Saint Edos, Saint Oranoak, protect them and keep them safe.[/i][/color]